Criteria Ratings Pts Thesis 5 pts Full Marks Thesis is easily identifiable,





5 pts

Full Marks

Thesis is easily identifiable, clear, and connects well with paper title. Reader understands the paper topic and writer’s position to be presented.

0 pts

No Marks

Thesis is difficult to identify; may be a bland statement or obvious point.

5 pts

Paper’s Organization

10 pts

Full Marks

Paper’s overall organization is well- suited to topic.

5 pts

Half Marks

A better method of organization is necessary for the overall paper.

0 pts

No Marks

Paper shows no method of organization.

10 pts

Paragraph Structure

10 pts

Full Marks

Paragraphs support solid topic sentences.

Sentences in each paragraph stay on topic. Transitions used appropriately.

5 pts

Half Marks

Many paragraphs are without topic sentences. Sentences don’t always stay on topic within their respective paragraphs. Few or weak transitions used.

0 pts

No Marks

Few topic sentences used. Sentences ramble. Transitions are confusing and unclear.

10 pts

Integrative Learning

40 pts

Full Marks

30 pts 3/4 Marks

20 pts

Half Marks

40 pts

Evaluates – Writer creates a whole out of multiple parts (synthesizes). Writer draws conclusions by transferring learning in the course to new, complex situations within or beyond the campus. Evaluation requires the writer to coherently summarize and accurately analyze theories, arguments, positions, polices,

Analyzes – Writer connects facts, examples, or theories from more than one field of study or perspective. Writer coherently summarizes and spends more time drawing out key arguments, positions, policies, programs, etc., and presents them as a coherent

Summarizes – Writer spend the majority of the submission describing and summarizing the work of other authors. Descriptions are coherent and thorough. There is little analysis or evaluation. Or, attempts to analyze or evaluate are not




programs, etc. Strengths and weaknesses are thoroughly presented.

Implications are well reasoned and discussed to offer ways to correct mistakes or build on strengths as a way of improving future practices, outcomes, theories, policies, etc.

whole. Or, shows how the arguments diverge. Attempts to evaluate are minimal, weak, or not cohesive. The submission brings course learning and applied situation together as a well- balanced cohesive whole.

cohesive. The submission focuses on course learning or applied situation, and does not bring them together as a well- balanced cohesive whole.

Style and Mechanics

10 pts

Full Marks

Paper follows APA style; paper consistently uses proper punctuation and grammar; and paper exhibits correct spelling.

5 pts

Half Marks

Paper somewhat follows APA style; errors in punctuation, grammar, and spelling are minimal and do not distract the reader;

0 pts

No Marks

Paper does not follow APA style; errors in punctuation, grammar, and spelling are distracting to the reader.

10 pts

Scholarly Sources

10 pts

Full Marks

Required minimum number of scholarly sources (i.e., scholarly journal articles, books) are used.

5 pts

Half Marks

Fewer than required number of scholarly sources are used, or sources were of poor quality (e.g., Wikipedia).

10 pts

Page Requirements

5 pts

Full Marks

Paper is required number of pages in length with one-inch margins on all sides, 12 size font, Times New Roman font, and double spaced.

0 pts

No Marks

Paper is not required number of pages in length with one-inch margins on all sides, 12 size font, Times New Roman font, and double spaced.

5 pts





10 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

10 pts

Conclusion is well thought out and clear.

No conclusion is given, unclear, or seems “thrown together.”

Total Points: 100

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