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Avoid PLAGIARISM Read, Read, Read Instruction Discussion Thread: Navigating the Criminal Justice

Avoid PLAGIARISM Read, Read, Read Instruction

Discussion Thread: Navigating the Criminal Justice Career

The Criminal Justice Career: Discussion

There are many things you must anticipate and prepare for when thinking about navigating the criminal justice job market and professional career. In addition to preparing yourself for job interviews, you must also consider exactly how you’ll successfully manage your ethical and professional responsibilities while on the job. 


The Job Market

Job interviews are an opportunity for potential employers to get to know you and assess your fit with their organization. Of course, to make this possible, it is absolutely essential that you know yourself. Hiring managers and human resources professionals in the criminal justice field are looking for self-aware critical thinkers with strong communication skills, the ability to engage with their work, and the ability to reflect on themselves and their actions. Everyone has skills, but there is such a thing as being deeply unaware of our skills. Candidates who are not ready for questions about their own strengths and weaknesses in the hiring interview often find themselves surprised at how hard it is to articulate one’s own skills.


Burnout and Self Care

One of the ways it is important to know yourself is to be aware of your stressors and coping abilities and practices: In recent years, criminal justice professionals and organizations have grown increasingly aware of the issues of vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue–the stresses and strains that professionals face as a result of the work that they do that can eventually lead to unhealthy decisions, illness, and career burnout. Because most organizations do not offer significant institutional resources to combat these issues, it is vital that you familiarize yourself with self-care. Self-care, which consists of the activities and practices that we can engage in on a regular basis to reduce stress and maintain and enhance our short- and longer-term health and well-being, is an essential work survival skill in the criminal justice field. Self-care is necessary for your effectiveness and success in honoring your professional and personal commitments.

To begin our discussion of the criminal justice job market and burnout, please: 

1) Complete these readings on navigating the criminal justice career:

Reading One: Peat – The Heart of a CJ Professional see the attachments

Peat, B. (2004). From college to career: A guide for criminal justice majors. Boston: Pearson

Reading Two:  Peat – Making Yourself Marketable see the attachments

Peat, B. (2004). From college to career: A guide for criminal justice majors. Boston: Pearson.

Reading Three:  Wagaman et al – The Role of Empathy see the attachments

Wagaman, M. A., Geiger, J. M., Shockley, C., & Segal, E. A. (2015). The role of empathy in burnout, compassion satisfaction, and secondary traumatic stress among social workers. Social work, 60(3), 201-209.

Reading Four:  Stephens – Telling Cops to Get CJ Degrees see the attachments

Stephens, A. (2020). Telling cops to get criminal justice degrees won’t end police violence. In these times. Retrieved: https://inthesetimes.com/article/telling-cops-to-get-criminal-justice-degrees-wont-end-police-violence

2) Review the “Navigating the CJ Career” PowerPoint see the attachments

3) Take a look at the career resources here  and here



5) Look at the “Commonly Asked Interview Questions” document related to the career you’re most interested in going into/career closest to that which you’re interested in going into:

Policing. see the attachments

Corrections. see the attachments

Community Corrections. see the attachments

Social Work. see the attachments

Law. see the attachments

6) Explore the ‘Self-Care Starter Kit.’ from SUNY Buffalo.


7) After reviewing the materials, post a brief REFLECTION in which you address ALL of the questions below. Make sure that your post cites AT LEAST THREE of this week’s assigned readings and BE SURE that your post and reply fulfill Discussion Post requirements. Below and see the attachments

The Questions.

A) Given what we know about the nature, structure, and standard operating procedures that define contemporary U.S. policing, courts, and correctional system, how is it possible to be an ethical criminal justice professional? In your explanation, please engage with the opinion piece by Stephens assigned for the week. see the attachments. Here your answer 150 words or more.

B) How will you incorporate some of the things you’ve learned in this class in your answers to job interview questions? Explain and give at least THREE sample answers to commonly asked interview questions from the discipline of your choice. Here your answer 150 words or more.

C) Why is burnout such a significant issue for criminal justice professionals? Explain how burnout is an ethical issue in CJ. Here your answer 150 words or more.

D) What are some of your self-care practices? How do these help you de-stress? How will these self-care practices be useful in your criminal justice career? Here your answer 150 words or more.

Note: you must READ the INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY and make sure that I will not hesitate to give you a ZERO if your reflection does not meet the REQUIREMENTS. Follow the clear INSTRUCTIONS step by step. INCLUDE the QUESTIONS with your answers. be sure NO opportunity for AMENDMENTS. use Material in The Attachments.

Make sure discussion requirements. Look at the instructions below.

Do not use external sources. Be specific with attachments



Throughout the quarter, you will be responsible for engaging in class discussions based on selected class materials. These discussions will find you posting your thoughts and replying to peers.



I) REFLECTIVE DISCUSSION POSTS: Approximately every other week of this quarter will find you writing and posting reflective discussions of AT LEAST 600 WORDS (approximately the equivalent of three quarters of one double-spaced page in a word document) to the appropriate thread on the course discussion board.

I will provide specific discussion topics and guidelines for exactly what you should write your reflection about. Reflection/discussion posts should be written in a scholarly manner and demonstrate you have read, understood, and thoughtfully considered the material. It is important that you read and synthesize the concepts, theories, and ideas we’ll be discussing and be prepared to explain them IN YOUR OWN WORDS. 

While every reflection post MUST directly refer to AND cite the week’s assigned readings, YOU MAY NOT USE ANY DIRECT QUOTES IN DISCUSSION POSTS!!!

This prohibition against using direct quotes means that you will be drawing from the assigned readings and materials by synthesizing ideas, paraphrasing important points, and discussing the authors’ points in your own words. As such, it’s important that you utilize in-text citations when drawing on resources and that all sources cited in the body of your discussions are included in a “Works Cited” section at the close of each post.

IF I’M NOT ALLOWED TO QUOTE, WHEN AM I SUPPOSED TO CITE?? Great question! Check out these resources for more guidance on when/where/how to cite without direct quotes: 1) Quoting and Paraphrasing (Links to an external site.)  2) When to Cite (Links to an external site.) 3) When You Must Cite (Links to an external site.) 4) Integrating Sources (Links to an external site.) 

Quoting and Paraphrasing

When to Cite



PLEASE USE APA CITATION FORMATTING (Links to an external site.) FOR IN-TEXT CITATIONS AND “WORKS CITED” SECTION. See here (Links to an external site.) for more.


IMPORTANT: TCRIM441 is a senior-level, seminar course–as such, there should be senior-level discussions occurring: You must go beyond merely including an in-text citation to a reading and calling it a day…posts that contain in-text citations but fail to actually DISCUSS the points made in the readings/materials will NOT receive high marks. Your posts and replies must actually USE AND INTEGRATE THE COURSE MATERIALS IN A FULL AND IN-DEPTH WAY.

Whenever appropriate, posts should include relevant references and information you have learned in previous courses, from earlier readings in this course, and from other outside scholarly sources such as journal articles and books.

As these reflections account for 40% of your final grade, it is in your best interest to spend a good deal of time carefully crafting each post.    

Please demonstrate critical thinking through a willingness to question your own pre-existing ideas and perspectives on various topics. Also, don’t be afraid to challenge the authors: In other words, questions about/critiques of authors’ and researchers’ methods, assumptions, conclusions, and perspectives should form within your own mind as you read.


II) CRITICAL THINKING DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: At the end of each reflection/discussion post, provide AT LEAST TWO questions related to the assigned readings/material that you think would be interesting for the class to discuss.

Discussion questions MUST BE in-depth, interesting questions that require your classmates to draw on the assigned materials and readings: THESE ARE NOT OPINION QUESTIONS! The goal is to inspire sophisticated and analytical conversation; thus, it is important to take the time construct thoughtful, answerable questions that are clear, engaging, and relevant to the topic and reading(s) for the week.

Make the section with your discussion questions separate from the rest of your reflection by including an extra empty line before the discussion questions makes the questions easier to see.

Discussion questions DO NOT count as part of the 600-word minimum required of initial reflection posts.

Note: When you post your original post in order to receive full credit ensure you are demonstrating analytical thought, referring to course material and answering the question FULLY. YOU MUST READ INSTRUCTIONS FOR DISCUSSIONS TO DO GREAT REFLECTION.

reflection/discussion post, PROVIDE AT LEAST TWO QUESTIONS related to the assigned readings/material that you think would be interesting for the class to discuss.

Use the materials in the attachments.

Note: Avoid PLAGIARISM and copying and pasting you will get you ZERO. I will scan 600 WORDS OR MORE

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