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COUC 546 DSM-5 Summaries Grading Rubric Criteria Levels of Achievement Content 70%

COUC 546

DSM-5 Summaries Grading Rubric


Levels of Achievement

Content 70%




Not present

Analyzes the material

19 to 21 points

3 DSM categories are clearly presented including an overview, list of disorders and risk/ prognostic factors. Risk/ prognostic factors are linked to the bio-psycho-social-spiritual framework.

17 to 18 points

3 DSM categories are presented. Missing points in the overview, list of disorders or risk/ prognostic factors. Risk/ prognostic factors not linked to the bio-psycho-social-spiritual framework.

1 to 16 points

2 DSM category summaries are presented. Missing multiple points in the overview, list of disorders or risk/ prognostic factors.

0 points

Not Present

Structure 30%




Not present


3 points

No grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Writing is precise. Word choice is appropriate.

2 points

Few grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Writing style is sufficient. Word choice is adequate.

1 point

Several grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Writing style is understandable but could be improved. Word choice is generally good.

0 points

Not Present

APA Format Elements

3 points

Citations and format are in current APA style. Title page, Citations, and Reference page are correctly formatted. Paper is double-spaced with 1-inch margins. No Abstract is needed.

2 points

Citations and format are in current APA style with few errors. Title page, Abstract, Citations, and Reference page are present with few errors. Paper is double-spaced with 1-inch margins.

1 point

Citations and format are in current APA style though several errors are present. Title page, Abstract, Citations, and Reference page are either included with several errors are present or one of these is missing. Paper is double-spaced, but margins are incorrect.

0 points

Not Present.

Paraphrasing Skills

3 points

Zero Quotations used

Information is paraphrased and summarized in a manner that shows understanding.

2 points

1-2 quotations used

Information is paraphrased in a manner that shows some understanding.

1 point

3-4 quotations used

Information is paraphrased in a manner that shows minimal understanding.

0 points

Not Present

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