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Discussion Board Forum Interactions Grading Rubric Criteria Levels of Achievement Content 70%

Discussion Board Forum Interactions Grading Rubric


Levels of Achievement

Content 70%




Not present


32 to 35 points

At least 2 substantive responses are posted each module/week.

Responses are not completed on the same day.

Where appropriate, major points are supported by lecture material, Scripture, examples, and/or thoughtful analysis.

Each post is 200–300 words and moves the conversation forward in a meaningful and thoughtful manner.

25 to 31 points

At least 2 substantive responses are posted each module/week.

Responses are not completed on the same day.

Where appropriate, major points are supported by lecture material, Scripture, examples, and/or thoughtful analysis.

Post is less than 200–300 words and somewhat moves the conversation forward in a meaningful and thoughtful manner.

1 to 24 points

Less than 2 substantive responses are posted each module/week.

Responses may have been completed on the same day.

Major points are not supported by lecture material, Scripture, examples, and/or thoughtful analysis.

Post is less than 200–300 words and does not move the conversation forward in a meaningful and thoughtful manner.

0 points

No posts are present

Structure 30%




Not present

Writing Style & Mechanics

14 to 15 points

There is a clear and logical flow to the post with main points being clearly stated.

Communication follows the Student Expectations.

The posts are free of glaring errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

11 to 13 points

There is a somewhat clear and logical flow to the post with main points being stated.

Communication follows the Student Expectations.

The posts may contain some glaring errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

1 to 10 points

There is no clear and logical flow to the post with main points being stated.

Communication does not follow the Student Expectations.

The posts contain numerous glaring errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

0 points

No posts are present

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