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Discussion Board Juan Collado School of Government, Liberty University Describe the skills

Discussion Board

Juan Collado

School of Government, Liberty University


Describe the skills needed in Human Resource Development.

     The relationship between a manager and an employee is vital to the success of an organization.  Employees who do not feel valued can start to underperform or exit the organization. Manager should lead their group in a way that it is positively impacting their workgroup.  This will help develop employee’s skills and effectiveness.  Managers must be flexible when addressing the concerns of an employee (Raines, 2020). 

     They must possess the skills that are needed in human resource development.  These skills will help their effectiveness and create a positive work-life balance vital for employees (Kambayashi et al., 2016).  Managers must be flexible when addressing the concerns of an employee.  Addressing the problem ineffectively creates present and future issues.    But addressing conflicts don’t have to be a negative experience but can be positive.  It can create an opportunity for progress and personal growth. 

     Managers can use one of the five primary responses to address conflict (Raines, 2020).  The first is to avoid conflict (Raines, 2020).  The second is to accommodate the needs of an employee to meet the needs of the organization (Raines, 2020).  The third is to collaborate with your team by working together to accomplish the goals of an organization (Raines, 2020).  The fourth is to compromise by splitting the difference so that both sides enjoy the benefits (Raines, 2020).  Lastly, the manager can have a competitive approach to win at the cost of the employee relationship (Raines, 2020).

Summarize the managers’ responsibilities in relation to Human Resource Development.

     The manager’s responsibilities concerning human resources development consist of several elements.  Managers have the influence to guide employees towards the direction that their organization has strategically planned (Brown et al., 2004). There are so many different resources used when creating a strategic plan in an organization that having the right managers in place is vital.  The manager’s responsibilities go beyond retaining and hiring employees.  Managers must take positive steps to train and develop employees.  Training and development have been shown to outperform other management responsibilities ((El-Ghalayini et al., 2017). 

     Managers must create a lasting relationship with their employees and show an interest in their personal development.  They must also be empathetic, fair, present, and ethical in the behavior they show their followers (Raines, 2020).  By offering such behavior, they can be respected by others, and they can lead by example.  There has to be a balance in how managers interact with their employees.  But is also essential to show their flowers that they are friendly and can be approached.  Employees should feel comfortable asking directions on how to proceed with a specific issue and be comfortable enough to voice their opinions and ideas.







Brown, K. (2004). Human resource management in the public sector. Public Management Review, 6(3), 303-309. DOI: 10.1080/1471903042000256501

El-Ghalayini, Y. (2017). Human Resource Management Practices and Organizational Performance in Public Sector Organization. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly; Antioch, 8(3), 65-80. https://www-proquest-com.ezproxy.liberty.edu/docview/1880365880/999EF3DD1AF45CEPQ/1?_ga=2.135810037.530028757.1630022449-507558415.1625745231&accountid=12085

Kambayashi, N. (2016). 2016 Management Theory and Practice Conference Keynote Speech: Changing Japanese Management? A Discussion of the Development of Work-Life Balance in Japan. Tai Da Guan Li Lun Cong; Taiwan, 27(1), 1-24. DOI:10.6226/NTUMR.2016.Speech

Raines, S. S. (2020). Conflict Management for Managers (2nd ed.). Rowman and Littlefield.

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