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Dream Interpretation Project Paper: A minimum of 4 pages of text is

Dream Interpretation Project Paper:

A minimum of 4 pages of text is required, and the paper should be completed using 12-point font and it should be double spaced. Include a separate title page and reference page. Therefore, the final paper will be 6 pages long. Two independent sources are required.

Dream Narrative and initial interpretation. You have now interpreted your dream without help. Include the narrative of your dream and your initial interpretation as your introduction.

Expand your interpretation (in order to write about it)

To complete your interpretation, see the “Dream Interpretation Guidelines”, in which you will find detailed information.

For this part, you may want to take notes to use when write your paper.

Optional: I am providing an Excel sheet and instructions on how to use it in order to help you identify and list the themes, characters, and symbols in your dream. This does not need to be turned in, as it is intended to help you think about these aspects of your dream. To go along with this sheet, I am providing a brief dream ‘example’ and how I used this dream to fill out the Excel sheet. These will be found in the “Optional Dream Interpretation Items” folder.

III. Step three: Write about your interpretation.

You will need to have a “transition” from your introduction: one suggestion is that you can talk about how you began the interpretation process. This isn’t the only way to transition well, so this isn’t required!

IV. Step four: Conclusion: Summarize your experience. These questions may help, and you may choose to answer the ones that you feel are relevant:

What did you think of the interpretation process?

Did your understanding of the dream change from your initial interpretation?

Did the interpretations help you to understand problems, or things going on in your life?

Did they give you insight into yourself?

Did some methods seem better than others?

Did you learn anything? Talk in detail about the process of interpretation.

Do you think that dreams have meaning?

Reference page, citing sources:

Make sure to cite all the sources you used: Students must use 2 independent sources.

*Dream dictionaries can be your independent sources. While I don’t encourage quoting generally, for this paper the dream symbols/meanings should be quoted. You don’t want to paraphrase, as you are using their exact wording to make judgments about what the symbol meant to you! Do cite the sources in the text of the paper, and quote correctly. Use this website if you need help, or use the writing center.


This also includes a citation generator (I have had mixed results with it)

Optional: If you don’t think you have enough material for 4 pages, you may use the following source. Make sure to cite it if you do use it!

Jung’s theory, using a character in your dream as an archetype:


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