In your view, what are the most important factors that have shaped the popular historical narrative of early nineteenth century Texas? The narrative of early nineteenth century Texas history is a familiar one to most long-time residents of the state. It is a story that focuses largely on the heroic struggle of Anglo-Texan colonists against the Mexican armies of Santa Anna, at battles such as the Alamo and San Jacinto.

In your view, what are the most important factors that have shaped the popular historical narrative of early nineteenth century Texas?


The narrative of early nineteenth century Texas history is a familiar one to most long-time residents of the state. It is a story that focuses largely on the heroic struggle of Anglo-Texan colonists against the Mexican armies of Santa Anna, at battles such as the Alamo and San Jacinto.


As we discussed in class, however, historical narratives do not emerge independently. Instead, they are crafted, consciously or unconsciously, by specific groups to reflect their own interests.

In your view, what are the most important factors that have shaped the popular historical narrative of early nineteenth century Texas?


Devote a separate paragraph to each of the factors you intend to highlight, providing supporting examples/evidence. There is not a set number of factors but you should be able to come up with several .


Be sure to draw upon video notes, the two films, as well as the assigned readings. You may use materials from earlier units if you wish, but your argument must be grounded in the issues and concepts examined in Part Four of the two movies.


Also, remember that a specific event is often a symptom of a broader phenomenon. To answer the question effectively, you must focus on broad conceptual issues that help to explain why this particular historical narrative emerged the way it did.


What you should focus on while writing the essay after watching the videos below :


The Alamo, 1960




The Olsen and Roberts book A Line in the Sand discusses the making of The Alamo in some depth, so you may want to read that chapter before seeing the movie.Start at the 30 minute mark. Let it run until 1:11 (when Graciela leaves on her wagon). In brief, this clip covers the budding romance between Davy Crockett and Graciela. It also provides brief character studies of Crockett, Travis and Bowie.


What does the film clip have to say about the personalities of Crockett, Travis and Bowie? What larger political point is John Wayne trying to make in the film.


Specifically, what parts of the dialogue reveal Wayne’s political agenda? Finally, how does Wayne use the romance between Crockett and Graciela to make a larger point about the issue of race?


Martyrs of the Alamo, 1915




This silent film was produced by D.W. Griffith, the director of the highly controversial Birth of a Nation, which had been released earlier that year. Martyrs actually wasn’t the first Alamo film Hollywood had attempted; a ten minute film, The Immortal Alamo, was released in 1911, but no copies have survived.


That should be clear, too, from this film. How do the film-makers use the issue of race to manipulate the emotions of their audience?


Watch about 26 minutes of the film.


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