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Question 1 Sources: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1clhQlzIvxaF3cFa7bLD7aI0I0pNLKr3n/edit#slide=id.p36 1. Offer at least five details that Sammy

Question 1

Sources: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1clhQlzIvxaF3cFa7bLD7aI0I0pNLKr3n/edit#slide=id.p36

1. Offer at least five details that Sammy notices about the girl he calls “Queenie.” What can you infer about Sammy’s own experiences with girls, based on his daydreaming about Queenie and his demeaning thoughts about her friends? Sammy lives in a small, insular town—is this a fair or objective character sketch about how male teens from small towns really think and behave. (HINT: I came from a small town in Penna.! I vowed to never, ever, ever become seriously involved or marry a guy from a small town!)

Question 2:



1. Describe four characters from the story, including their looks, their place in the story sequence, physical descriptions, and any other unique aspects about the characters.

2. In paragraph 16, Vic says, “They’re just girls . . . They don’t come from another planet. “How does this statement foreshadow the events to come? What other instances of foreshadowing can you identify?

The post Question 1 Sources: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1clhQlzIvxaF3cFa7bLD7aI0I0pNLKr3n/edit#slide=id.p36 1. Offer at least five details that Sammy appeared first on PapersSpot.


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