Why Teach About Whiteness? 2-1 Employing a curriculum of multicultural study and

Why Teach About Whiteness? 2-1

Employing a curriculum of multicultural study and anti-racist education has led some to ask, “Why do we only talk about race when we’re talking about people of color? What about studying / teaching about whiteness, or more specifically, white privilege? Have you ever thought what constitutes “white” culture … as you have thought about “Asian: culture, “Hispanic” Culture … “Chinese” food … etc. 

Do “white” people have a cultural heritage? Is “white” culture synonymous with “American” culture in the minds of many? What is “American” culture? 
White People Are Noticing Something New:  Their Own Whiteness
Do you think the study of “whiteness” as a distinct “culture” should be included in the multicultural classroom along with studies of other ethnic / cultural groups? Why / why not?
American Family Traditions
Do You Speak American?
How to tell if you are American

Race vs. Ethnicity 3-1

Considering the information you have encountered so far in the course, discuss the concept of ethnicity vs. race. What misconceptions may you have had with regard to “race” and its meaning / origin? Compare and contrast race vs. ethnicity. Here is an interesting article with regard to race and racial identity / social constructs.

Using misinformation to debunk misinformation …

Jensen-Gorski-McIntosh Connection Commentary 3-2

White Privilege / Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh
Language of Closet Racism by Paul Gorski
White Privilege by Robert Jensen
White Male Privilege by Peggy McIntosh
Role of Race / Ethnicity in Americans’ Lives

think about the information and theoretical discussion you have read and make connections between the three theorists. 

Gorski went through a very substantial portion of his life not recognizing his “whiteness” and the privilege that was inherently attached to it. 

It seems that McIntosh and Jensen also made a conscious effort to examine the privilege attached to “whiteness.” 

McIntosh actually explores an even bigger picture because she takes gender into consideration as well. 

For me, one of the most striking statements of the article is: 
“As a white person, I realized I had been taught about racism as something that puts others at a disadvantage, but had been taught not to see one of its corollary aspects, white privilege, which puts me at an advantage.”  I agree with this statement, and I think that this has to be a contributing factor to the “closet racism” that Gorski discusses in “Language of Closet Racism: An Illustration.” 

If one is trained to be oblivious to “white privilege” (as McIntosh/Jensen suggest) and educated to hold racial prejudices (as Gorski/Jensen suggest), should we be surprised that the end result is someone like “Jen” (the case study in “Language of Closet Racism: An Illustration”)? 

Other Perspectives:
Ignatiev, Noel (1997). “The Point Is Not To Interpret Whiteness But To Abolish It”
Retrieved on March 27, 2010, from http://racetraitor.org/abolishthepoint.html

Thoughts? Post discussion and commentary on this thread.

Religious Pluralism vs. Religious Diversity 4-1

What are your thoughts (pro / con) … is religious pluralism, which differs from religious diversity / liberty, incompatible with Christianity – which is based on biblical teaching? How can a culture embrace religious liberty / multiple religions worshiping peacefully if the culture is fundamentally Christian? 

Specifically, I am not so sure we can say as a blanket statement that America practices religious pluralism – which refers to the belief in two or more religious worldviews as being equally valid or acceptable. More than mere tolerance (or diversity), religious pluralism accepts multiple paths to God or gods as a possibility and is usually contrasted with “exclusivism,” which is the idea that there is only one true religion and / or one way to know God. 

Christian /The English Standard Version (ESV) is an English translation of the Bible published in 2001 by Crossway. It is a revision of the Revised Standard Versionthat employs an “essentially literal” translation philosophy.
First, the Bible acknowledges only one God (Deuteronomy 6:5).
Second, the Bible teaches exclusivism in that there is only one way to know God—through Jesus Christ. John 14:6
Third, the Bible frequently condemns other religions as following gods that are not really gods. For example, Joshua 23:16

Immigrants of Yesteryear vs. Immigrants of Today 5-1

Discuss immigrants coming to the US today vs. immigrants of yesteryear: how are they alike and how do they differ? Discuss conflicting views of assimilation vs. pluralism: what issues have emerged regarding assimilation vs. pluralism?

Resource: My Immigration Story
The story of US immigrants in their own words.

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