Students are to select option 1 or 2 and read the corresponding chapters. The writing rubric will be used to grade the final paper. Follow closely the Grading Rubric for Written Assignment found in the Course Resources section of the course. Be sure to include an Introduction and Conclusion to the assignment. This is a formal paper. Follow APA 7th edition format. The paper should be no more than 10 pages, excluding the title and reference pages. An abstract is not required for Choice 1.
Choice 1: Quantitative or Qualitative Research Proposal
Choose a topic of interest and write a proposal to a funding agency. The proposal must include the problem, purpose, significance, feasibility, literature review, framework, design, sample, measurement, and plan for collection and analysis of data. A study budget and timetable should also be included. (Refer to Chapters 28 and 29 of the required course textbook.)
Title page
Literature review
Research Hypotheses/questions
Plans for Data Collection and Analysis
Appendices, as appropriate
Choice 2: Evidence-Based Systematic Review
Identify a clinical problem and develop a PICO question. Review the literature about this question, using a minimum of 10 references. This systematic review will identify, appraise, and synthesize the studies to answer the question. Conclusions are made based on scientific evidence. (Refer to Chapter 19)
Title Page
Relevant PICO clinical question
Purpose or aim of review
Literature Search criteria and strategies
Comprehensive search and results
Critical appraisal process and findings
Results of findings (table and narrative format)
Discussion of findings—implications, limitations, conclusions
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