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9 Eng. Comp II. Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Professor’s Name Date Topic:


Eng. Comp II.

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Eng. Comp II.

Research Question: Do doctors violate the children’s rights if they do not provide treatment according to the parent’s denial to treat the child?

Working Thesis Statement: Aside from violating the child’s rights, doctors are bound by their profession’s code of ethics to ensure everyone under their care receives equal medical attention and can lose their license on ethical violation grounds.


I. Working Thesis in the introduction: Parents can face loss of custody or criminal charges if they fail to provide the necessary medical care for their child

I. Causes of Parent’s Denial to Medical care for their children

Religious and cultural beliefs


Increased medical expenses

II. Ethical Issues

Doctors are obligated to provide medical care

The child has the right to medical care

Parents are obligated to ensure their children get medical care when needed.

III. Health Issues

Child’s Health

Social Worker’s

Doctor’s oath to “Do No Harm” contradicted by the parent’s denial

IV. Legal Issues

Loss of Legal Custody

Parent’s Criminal charges

Doctor’s Criminal charges

Responsibility to inform Children Social Services

V. Patient’s Right

Violation of the child’s right by the doctor and the parent

Violation of the ethical code of conduct of the Doctor

Children Social Working

Government intervention

Reflection Questions

Learning to conduct research is important because it is a skill you will use in academia and your professional life. It improves critical thinking and empowers you to find information for yourself. Consider the process of researching as a whole. What was the most challenging aspect of the process for you?

Having the research question does not guarantee to formulate a thesis statement; therefore, it was a challenge formulating a working thesis statement that aligns with my topic and the content of my paper. Research is characterized by referencing the work; finding the correct source was a challenge.

2. The working thesis statement is a proposed answer to your research question. It should identify a debatable topic and take a position on one side of that topic formulating the working thesis statement was a challenge; however, I answered the research question and gave a supporting statement to my answer. Secondly, my thesis statement introduces the various aspects of my paper, including legal issues where the doctor can lose their license.

Parents can face loss of custody or criminal charges if they fail to provide the necessary medical care for their children. In cases concerning children, both the parents and the doctors have a great role in ensuring that the child received the required medical care (American Diabetes, 2018). It is important to appreciate the difference between the decisions which are about medical care for children and those for adults. “There are a number of reasons that parents’ views and wishes are ethically relevant to decisions about medical treatment for children.” If we take those reasons into account, “that suggests that whether or not treatment is provided for a child with a given health condition will vary from family to family.” When it comes to adults, their wishes conflict with what can be good for them, and the views of the patient may be based on religion or other unreasonable beliefs and beliefs that can also be supernatural. When it comes to dealing with the patients, the doctors are responsible for ensuring that there is parent autonomy. Autonomy refers to the value of self-determination or the right to make decisions about somebody’s personal life.

When it comes to medicine, it is simply the act of respecting the patient’s wishes about their medical treatment, and in most cases, autonomy is said to be a “negative right.” Due to that, there is a belief that the parents’ refusal of treatment must be respected but of the cases concerning children it is a delicate matter. If doctors try to determine the patients’ best interests according to their wishes and values, then it becomes difficult for them to know about the risks and the benefits of the treatment (American Diabetes, 2018). In addition to parental autonomy, it mostly relates to adult autonomy. In this case, the parents are allowed to make decisions but under the condition that they are not harming anyone. Some people say “that parents have a right to make decisions about the treatment of their children or any family member.” At the same time, adult patients are generally said to have an absolute right to refuse medical treatment for themselves. Also, in most cases, the doctors do not think like if the parents can refuse all medical treatment for their children. It covers capacity to content presumption of capacity overruling decisions, parental responsibility, children’s best interests, and the role of the courts in case of disagreements between parties.

One of the reasons that an apparent view should be taken is regarding the parent’s knowledge of the child. For example, in some cases, a parent can refuse antibiotics because they know that the Child had been seriously ill. They were allergic to the reaction of the antibiotics; hence they can refuse some antibiotics for their children; hence it would be vital for the doctors to pay concern to the parent ideas on the same. When it comes to bit older children, the parents are mostly able to provide the needed evidence about the child’s daily life, what they like and what they don’t, and how much the illness or the impairment has affected their lives. In terms of views of the parent, they may be important, which is relevant to the understanding of what life is like for the kid; hence it would be good to either keep them alive or allow them to die. “The idea that parents would be consulted about decisions, that they would be an integral part of the decision-making process for children is hardly controversial.” In other cases, the parents’ assessments tend to be different from those taking care of the child; hence, it is not clear whether the parents’ views are positive because they desire that they want their child healed or whether the medical professions are negative. In the extreme cases where the nurses and the parent’s opinions differed, a judgment may be needed, which should be balanced, and hence the judge may choose to go with the available medical evidence.

Causes of parents denial to medical care for their children.

When parents deny their children medical care, there are potential conveniences that they can face in the court of law. Some of the reasons why parents deny their children access to medical care include religious matters, poverty, and increased medical bills and treatment (Becker, 2017). Then a report is made to the children protection helpline because the parents of the guardian have refused to give consent of the treatment; the parents should have informed prior to the reports notify the department of the communities ad justice. In medical care, it is vital to understand how the parents make decisions which are also necessary to help in the prevention of parent regret, which is based on the decisions they made about their children, which can lead to psychological issues, decreased physical health, and the decreased quality of life for the parents. According to research, there is an increase in life expectancy of the children who people thought would have died because they had complex medical conditions, but the children have lived more years longer than what was previously expected (Becker, 2017). Children with complex medical conditions require treatment that is very expensive for the parents. In most cases, they depend on technology, frequent inpatient admissions, multiple specialist care, and parental administration of several drugs, which can be very expensive for the parents who do not have insurance or are not able to raise the money by themselves. When it comes to focusing on children, it has been made clear that strong reasons prohibit overseas medical choices, and parent’s decision to pursue treatment overseas would be illegal. The decision-making for such children mostly begins making a choice that will either preserve the life of the child or leads to their death, and all those decisions are complex and challenging for the parents.

Ethical issues

Children have the right to medical care. When it comes to child care, the childcare workers often face situations that involve conflicts which are mostly brought about by the needs and behaviors and the persona and professional values (World Health Organization, 2018). Therefore, “it is essential to establish an ethically acceptable code of practice that allows the doctors to give an objective approach to rational management.” The children have the right t to respect their competence. “Competence implies that the patient’s level of understanding allows them to weigh up to the ethical issues posed by a clinical situation.” The children have the right to respectful beneficence. Beneficence refers to the medical principle that does no harm in the Hippocratic Oath and applies in most cases. Most medical practices involve compromising between benefit and harm, and it should be of benefit to the children. The children are also supposed to know the truth, and that comes in respect of the truth whereby they should not be lied to about their sickness. However, when it comes to the disclosure of the information, it should be done with consent. In some situations, it should be justified to prevent failure from leaning to the greater disadvantage of the patients.

All conflicts of interest should be avoided. That meant the parent must always come first before the intrusion of any third party member, which includes the physicians, doctors, the nuclear and the extended family together with the society at large. Medicare should ensure that they support the patient, which should be according to the needs of the individuals, which include disabilities or complications. There should be t ethics in the decision-making process which is based on disinterest, consistency, omniscience dispassion, and avoidance of any emotional bias. For some, in some circumstances, the parents cannot be separated from dispassion and disinterest, especially if they have developed a good relationship with the physician or with their caregivers.

“However, such rights of children were limited by the framework of child’s health and the ability for apprehending information about one’s health and prospective medical intervention” When it comes to children patients, they must have to be protected. In the government, children are a priority, and the doctors should play their part to ensure they get the best of the treatment. The provision of medical services to children has mostly “connected risks, and treatment and drug usage can be hectic.” “The aim is to identify the problems that are associated with the protection of the rights of the children of the bass of their rights.” The main violators of the right of the children include mostly the legal representatives of children who do not take into account the interest that means the refusal of medical intervention, .providing inadequate medical care. Another violation of the right of patient children is that they are provided with unwarranted medical care without the corresponding testimony (Chiarenza et. al, 2019). “Medical intervention under the influence of coercion; – providing of unwarranted medical care without the corresponding testimony; – providing of inadequate medical care: when the patient was only examined, and ineffective treatment was prescribed, and others. As for mentally ill children, the following rights are usually violated: for life, for a fair trial. It has been proved that defects in the provision of health care are often predetermined by the poor state logistics of hospitals, lack of financing and appropriate pediatric medicines, outdated methods of treatment, and incompetence of some doctors.’”

The implementation of rights the children in many medical centers mostly depends on pediatricians’ “awareness about the availability and the mechanisms of legal guarantees provided to them by law.” Therefore doctors play an important role in the decisions that are made about a child’s health. Doctors are responsible for the increased life expectancy, and hence they help improve society at large. All doctors have to play the main role, which is to ensure that the patients are safe and contribute to the decisions made concerning the quality of services and outcomes.


American Diabetes Association. (2018). 12. Children and adolescents: standards of medical care in diabetes—2018. Diabetes care, 41(Supplement 1), S126-S136. https://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/41/Supplement_1/S126?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=r360

Becker, J. (2017). Campaigning for children: Strategies for advancing children’s rights. Stanford University Press.

Chiarenza, A., Dauvrin, M., Chiesa, V., Baatout, S., & Verrept, H. (2019). Supporting access to healthcare for refugees and migrants in European countries under particular migratory pressure. BMC health services research, 19(1), 1-14. https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12913-019-4353-1

World Health Organization. (2018). Survive and thrive: transforming care for every small and sick newborn: key findings (No. WHO/FWC/MCA/18.11). World Health Organization https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/276655/WHO-FWC-MCA-18.11-eng.pdf

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