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BSCY-4312 Information Storage Security [Project (20 Marks)] Deadline: 03-12-2021 CLOs Covered: 4-

BSCY-4312 Information Storage Security [Project (20 Marks)] Deadline: 03-12-2021

CLOs Covered:

4- Create user profiles and set parameters like, limit types, idle time, connect time, and sessions using SQL as a team.


Dear All

Hope that all of you are doing well. As we have studied in the class about profiling in unit-4 Write queries for the following.

Create profiles as follows for each team member and perform all 4 steps. We have 14 students in the class and there will be total 7 groups of each group will have two team members and will be performing following for any intuitive type of 2 profiles required for any company.

Create a profile [6 Points]

Limit session per user as 2

Idle time as 30 seconds

Connect time 1000

Alter the above profile by setting [6 Points]

limit session per used as 3 and

Idle time as 45 seconds

Now show the resource limits of the Profile

Set the password lifetime of the profile to one week [2 Points]

Create a password verification function with length 8, 9 and 10. [6 Points]

Provide a 6 length password and tell what is the error

Provide a 9 length password and tell what is the error

General Instructions

1) Please make sure to write it in your own words. And your exercise should not match with any other students as I Will be checking the plagiarism with a software to detect copy / paste. 

2) In case you are taking this information from some website, or a book please do provide the references (like Wikipedia) at the end of the exercise even you are writing it in your own words.

3) Use normal white pages with lines to write your file and name it in the format Assignment-Std_ID-Name-Course ID and Name e.g. 347393-Tala Abid-BSIS 6325 Information and Content Management. Use your hands to write all queries after you run them on the computer.

4) Upload soft copy (photos of written assignment) in the BB and hard copy in the class.

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