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Carbon offsetting: Shifting Responsibility or Taking Responsibility? The United Nations Principles for

Carbon offsetting: Shifting Responsibility or Taking Responsibility?

The United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) tell us that through the pursuit of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) management and organisations can help the world avoid environmental catastrophe. Conversely, researchers such as Carl Rhodes, Peter Fleming, Chris Wright and Daniel Nyberg argue management and organisations are driving us towards environmental catastrophe!

One-fifth of the world’s largest companies have made pledges to go carbon neutral or even carbon negative; for example Blackrock, Ikea and Microsoft. Key to this is off-setting carbon emissions.

Essay Question: In your essay you need to explore if carbon off-setting is just another version of CSR greenwashing or a important CSR tool that organisations are effectively using to become climate change leaders?

In Answering this question you are required to:

• Take a position on the above question.

• In answering the question you need to undertake critical analysis. Critical analysis involves applying rational and logical thinking to the material you are analysing, reading and writing. In short, Critical thinking is the skill to assess information and propositions offered as ‘true’ and to form judgements based on facts. Ask yourself, does this seem correct, legitimate, biased, not quiet telling the ‘whole’ story? That is critical analysis.

• Use relevant management and organisational theory (for example CSR, supply chain management, ethics) Your essay should contain at least 8 high quality, and relevant academic references (i.e. peer reviewed journals, books and textbooks).

• Choose one organisation as an example/case study to validate the position you have taken, ensuring you provide a sound justification for your choice of organisation.

• How does your case-study relate to one of UNs Sustainable Development Goals?

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