CCJ4681: Domestic Violence
Research Paper – Criminological Theory Illustrated in Film
You are required to write a paper on the relationship between domestic and intimate partner violence (DV/IPV), criminological theory, and its representation in film. You many choose any of the films listed in Appendix E (p. 187) in the textbook.
This paper is designed to stimulate critical thinking about criminological theory and DV/IPV and to sharpen your reading, writing, and comprehension skills. You will select at least three scholarly articles (that focus on DV/IPV and/or the theory you choose) and the textbook as references.
Keep in mind that this project is worth 20% of your grade and reflects your scholastic ability, reading comprehension, critical eye, and most importantly–interest in the subject matter. Late assignments are unacceptable.
Your paper must contain:
• A creative title to your paper on a separate title page and also a reference page using APA style for works cited.
• A 4-6 page typed research paper (12 point, Times New Roman font; double-spaced; 1 inch margins)
Your written work will be evaluated on:
• The quality of the articles selected and how you relate it to the film
• The quality of your writing (including content, demonstration of insight and critical thinking, spelling, grammar, and organization)
• Overall presentation (neat and organized work which follows the provided instructions)
Assignment Checklist
Consult this checklist before you hand in your paper!!!!
□ Did I choose criminological theory used in the textbook that relates to the film?
□ Did I use at least three peer reviewed scholarly articles?
□ Did I incorporate the textbook?
□ Did I select articles that I understand? (Don’t select articles that are too elevated for you. If you don’t understand it, you should not use it for this assignment.)
□ Did I follow the mandatory format for the overall paper presentation? (Note: font, spacing, margins, etc.)
□ Did I use the proper citation format? (Note: You must use APA style for your citations! For assistance with citation format in APA style, please visit:
□ Did I refrain from including my opinion and using phrases like “I think”, “I feel”, “I believe”, etc.
Step 1: Select and Watch Film
Select a film that relates to DV/IPV. You will find a list of approved movies in Appendix E (p. 187) in the textbook. I recommend watching the film more than once, even if you have previously seen the movie. Multiple viewings often help in better understanding the character or characters you chose to write about in your paper. I recommend watching the film once and chose the character(s) you want to write about and then re-watch the film with a detailed looked at this character(s) life and choices he/she/they make throughout the film.
Step 2: Find articles that relate to a criminological theory and DV/IPV illustrated in the film.
You must have at least five sources in your paper. First, you will use the film as a source and cite it on the reference page. Second, you must use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. And finally, you must incorporate the textbook.
Step 3: Create a Title Page
State your title (be creative!), your name, professor, class and date of submission (below is an example from a different course).
Step 4: Write Research Paper
Your paper should NOT include a detailed summary of the plot of the movie or film, a review of the film, your personal reaction to the film, or random associations inspired by the film. It is a way for you to show me how you can apply ideas and insights from class and the textbook to understand criminological theory and its application to domestic and intimate partner violence.
The film you choose may include many different characters, behaviors, and relationships. Do not write about all of them. Choose just one or two as your focus. Describe how the characters background, actions, relationships, and thoughts are explained by one or multiple criminological theories. Also, use terms from the book and from journal articles to display your understanding of how the film is related to the material discussed in class. Also, when referring to the characters please use their character’s name not the actor’s name or some other description. Further, I recommend writing a good outline before you start your first draft of your paper. I also recommend writing a first draft and then having a classmate or peer help you proofread your paper for spelling, grammar, and clarity. Please do not turn in your first draft as it may have grammatical and spelling errors that will severely affect your final grade.
You paper should have an introduction, a discussion or body, and a conclusion. The introduction is a short preview of your paper. Its purpose is to let the reader know what your paper will be about.
The discussion or body of you paper follows the introduction and is the meat of your paper. If you are discussing research, you want to assume that your readers have little to no knowledge about the research you will discuss. As such, you must first educate them about it. You also want to discuss your film and how it specifically relates to criminological theory and DV/IPV discussed in class and in your textbook.
Finally, the conclusion is a brief summary of the important points of your paper. You should not reiterate everything you have written, nor should you include new information.
Paper Format and Guidelines
Follow APA Style Guidelines: 12 points, Times New Roman font, double spaced, page numbers, 1-inch margins, etc.
Your paper will include the following elements (1 DOCUMENT):
Title Page
Reference Page
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