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Childhood Education LP Template Lesson Title: Senior Balancing Team Members: Intended Grade

Childhood Education LP Template

 Lesson Title: Senior Balancing

Team Members:  


Intended Grade Level:

6th Grade


(Describe the overall 3 lesson plan sequence for your final project. Tell where and how this lesson fits in with the rest of the lessons.)




Central Focus

Students will develop skills in planning and conducting investigations in order to find answers for problems using evidence they find. Students will also understand the 

Students will be able to enhance their understanding of balance scale problems. 


Lesson Topic

(Indicate the subject of the lesson)


  Balance beam

NYC Sci Scope&Seq’18 /Next Gen Sci Standards

List the number and use your own words to describe standard


MS-PS2-2:  Through an investigation, show evidence that the sum of the force and mass of an object determines the change in the motion of an object.

Learning Objective

(Student learning outcomes to be achieved by the end of the lesson.  Refer to what (action) students will do by how)

Students will be able to [accomplish XYZ ] by [using ABC strategy, activity, tool, or resource)




Prior Knowledge*

(Identify what the students know and are able to do related to the objective, and possible misconceptions.)




(List materials resources specific to the lesson)


Tablet or Cellphone

Balance Beam

Bottles of different sizes with their caps on.

Student Notebooks

Balance Beam Worksheet 


LESSON PLAN # _1_ of _3_

Plan of Action – Lesson #1 – Bunny Balance

Lesson Opening

(May do direct instruction of big ideas in mini-unit.)


To open the lesson, the teacher will instruct all students to download the bunny balance app from the app store. The teacher will explain that in this lesson, they will be working on the app to try and figure out why objects (bunnies) with different or similar weights balance on a beam. This lesson will be a precursor for the senior balance lesson that follows.

Learning Activities & Work Time

(Explain the learning experience step-by-step, relating it directly to the objectives.)


Teacher will quickly demonstrate how the app works and label the bunnies 1-5 from smallest to biggest (5 Minutes)

Students will independently work with the app to discover how it works for themselves (5 Minutes)

Students will be asked to create as many balanced beams as they can with no restrictions (can be symmetrical or asymmetrical) and write down how they did it using the numbers that the bunnies were assigned (Example: 1,1 ^ 1,1 )  (5 Minutes)

Now, students will be asked to created a balanced beam that is asymmetrical and write it down (5 Minutes)

Students break off into pairs and discuss if they can find any rule or formula that explains the balance (5 Minutes)

Share and Conclude

(Wrap up and review what was learned.)


If the students recognize that the outer end of the seesaw has double the amount of influence as the inner, that is fine. If they do not, they still have become more familiar with the concept of torque without realizing it. 



                                             Modifications for Diverse Learners

Supports, Accommodations, Modifications, Pertinent IEP Goals

(List the specific instructional modifications you will provide for diverse learners, including ELL students, students w/special needs, and/or struggling readers.)


Include definitions for new terms for all learners.

If students don’t have access to the app, a peer will share their screen with accesless students.





(Describe how activities/assignments will provide you feedback on student learning)

Formative Assessment  

(List/Describe at least 1 formative assessment per lesson – must use a different FA task for each lesson.)


Exit Ticket: The students will have to write down one thing they learned and one thing they still don’t understand or need help on.




 LESSON PLAN # _2_ of _3_

Plan of Action – Lesson #2

Lesson Opening

(May do direct instruction of big ideas in mini-unit.)

 Open with a recap of bunny balance lesson. Then show the balance beam

Students will be using during class


Learning Activities & Work Time

(Explain the learning experience step-by-step, relating it directly to the objectives.)

 Will be a physical and online activity. Students will tell the teacher where place the tags of the balance beam to make an even symmetrical line.


Share and Conclude

(Wrap up and review what was learned.)





                                             Modifications for Diverse Learners

Supports, Accommodations, Modifications, Pertinent IEP Goals

(List the specific instructional modifications you will provide for diverse learners, including ELL students, students w/special needs, and/or struggling readers.)







(Describe how activities/assignments will provide you feedback on student learning)

Formative Assessment  

(List/Describe at least 1 formative assessment per lesson – must use a different FA task for each lesson.)





LESSON PLAN # _3_ of _3_

Plan of Action – Lesson #3

Lesson Opening

(May do direct instruction of big ideas in mini-unit.)


(5 mins)

As an introduction of the lesson, students will recap the terms they learned from the previous lesson Balance Beam. Teacher will be asking the student what they did in the previous lesson, what they learned and what means each of the terms they make mention.

Teacher will make emphasis on the term “Torque” reminding the student that torque is the ability for a force to turn or twist something instead of just pushing or pulling it. Then, the teacher will ask if they know any object from real life that makes torque.

Learning Activities & Work Time

(Explain the learning experience step-by-step, relating it directly to the objectives.)


(30 mins)

First, the teacher will do a demonstration of how torque can be found in real life. In this case, she will show the students the torque used when opening a bottle cap.

Then, students will find three different bottles of three different sizes. Students will be asked to open each bottle and think about: How torque works in each bottle? And What matters at time to do torque in each bottle?

Bottle Cap- In groups of four, students will explore the torque of the different three bottles and make a list of the different bottles where they will record their answers following the 7 steps of Inquiry Science.

Share and Conclude

(Wrap up and review what was learned.)


(10 mins)

Following the Inquiry steps, each group of students will present to the class their conclusions about the experiment they realized with their bottles. They will share if they notice something that matters in the torque of each bottle using the vocabulary learned from the previous lessons. Also, they will emphasize how force depends on the distance when they make a torque. 


                                             Modifications for Diverse Learners

Supports, Accommodations, Modifications, Pertinent IEP Goals

(List the specific instructional modifications you will provide for diverse learners, including ELL students, students w/special needs, and/or struggling readers.)


For ELL students, the teacher will provide a list with the different terms used during the unit accompanied with their definitions.

Distance: the space between two things or people.

Weight: The force acting on an object due to gravity.

Balance: the distribution of weight enabling someone or something steady.

Symmetrical: Made up of exactly similar parts facing each other

Asymmetrical: Lacking symmetry.

Torque: The force ability to turn or twist something.



(Describe how activities/assignments will provide you feedback on student learning)

Formative Assessment  

(List/Describe at least 1 formative assessment per lesson – must use a different FA task for each lesson.)


Bottle Cap -On their notebooks, students will list the size of three different bottles used for their experiments in which they were able to do torque by the rotating force used when rotating the cap. Then, they will write a final reflection of what they found during the experiment and what they learned from this lesson.  In addition, they will list other real-life objects with which they can make torque.



Identify some key lesson design decisions that you made in your lessons plans and why you made them. Include at least one Learning Theory as part of this justification.

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