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Compensation and Benefits: Endothon Task Course Code: C236 Student Name: Student ID:

Compensation and Benefits: Endothon Task

Course Code: C236

Student Name:

Student ID:


Program Mentor Name:

A. Revise the following to include the three new positions and their salaries, as well as to show any changes to existing salaries.

Position Title

Current Pay Rate

Partner 1

$150,000.00 annually

Partner 2

$150,000.00 annually

Partner 3

$150,000.00 annually

Lead software designer 1

$120,000.00 annually

Software designer 1

$117,220.00 annually

Software designer 2

$90,100.00 annually

Software designer 3

$90,000.00 annually

Software designer 4

$85,000.00 annually

Human resources manager 1

$75,900.00 annually

Software designer 5

$75,897.00 annually

Software designer 6

$70,000.00 annually

Operations supervisor 1*

$55,000.00 annually

Customer service representative 1

$32.50 hourly

IT technician 1 (help desk)

$25.75 hourly

Administrative assistant 1 – billing

$24.50 hourly

IT technician 2 (help desk)

$21.10 hourly

Administrative assistant 1 – general

$19.65 hourly

IT technician 3 (help desk)

$15.50 hourly

Customer service representative 2*

$15.38 hourly

Customer service representative 3

$11.50 hourly

A1. Justify the placement and salaries of the three new positions.




B. Using the 23 positions, create a pay grade and ranges table.

Reference the Supporting Document, “Endothon Original Job-Value Structure.” Review this document as an example, which has a pay grade and ranges table created from the original job-value structure (Note: For creating your new table below, Endothon is now a larger Company anticipating growth). In creating your new pay grade and ranges table below, the principles of overlapping pay grades and consistent progression from one grade to another must be used.

Pay Grade





B1. Describe a strategy to address original salaries now found outside the proposed ranges.


B2. Justify your pay grades and ranges, commenting on attraction and retention strategies.

C. Recommend one distinct variable pay option for each of three pay grades, including a justification of why each recommendation would motivate individuals in that particular pay grade.

Recommendation 1:

Justification 1:

Recommendation 2:

Justification 2:

Recommendation 3:

Justification 3:


Acknowledge sources using in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


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