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ENG 112: Possible Course Themes You will choose a topic for your

ENG 112: Possible Course Themes

You will choose a topic for your research in both the sciences and the humanities. In order to effectively research a topic in all three disciplines, you must shift your focus in each to allow a unique perspective. Below are some examples of possible themes and what they would look like in each discipline. You do not have to choose one of these, but your topic must fit into all three in similar ways.

For the natural sciences, your topic must deal with ideas relating to biology, chemistry, physics, the environment, and the natural order of things.

You might consider researching something similar to the following issues:

1. Infectious or genetic diseases and their cures or preventative measures.

2. Climate change and its effects on the environment or landscapes.

3. Pollution and its effects on wildlife or humans.

4. Prescription drug use resulting in addiction.

5. The neurological effects of traumatic brain injuries.

6. Renewable energies and their efficacy.

7. The logistics of genetic engineering in either humans or food.

8. Space exploration – how it has changed or new limitations or theories in the field.

For the social sciences, your topic will shift to a focus in psychology, sociology or anthropology, culture, economics, politics, history, or any dealing with social institutions.

Take a look at how the shift might occur from the previous items listed:

1. Why certain infections diseases spread among a particular demographic or cultural practices that exacerbate disease transmission.

2. Climate change and its effects on human populations by exacerbating the refugee crisis.

3. How human activity pollutes the environment or how humans can reverse the effects.

4. The economic effects of prescription drug use and addiction on a societal scale.

5. Various psychological treatments for traumatic brain injuries or PTSD.

6. Political resistance to renewable energies.

7. Political resistance to GMOs or how GMOs can be used to address global crises.

8. Space exploration – economic impact or political policies addressing related issues.

For the Humanities, your focus will remain on the same general topic, but it will shift again to examine a piece that reflects an aspect of the human condition. The can deal with art, literature, film, documentaries, journalism, music, cultural expression, or any mediums that seek to illustrate complex ideas from a personal perspective.

Take a look at how this shift might occur from the previous items listed:

1. A pamphlet that illustrates the importance of vaccines or a news article that addresses concerns about recent flu outbreaks.

2. A documentary that follows a group of people who have been displaced due to extreme flooding as a result of climate change.

3. A fictional film, short story, or song that imagines what the earth might be like a hundred years from now after unchecked pollution.

4. A survivor’s account of how he or she overcame an addiction to prescription drugs.

5. A podcast that discusses of those who live with PTSD and how that affects their daily lives.

6. A meme or political cartoon that illustrates perspectives on renewable energies with satire.

7. A series of social media posts that show how different groups of people might view GMOs.

8. A news article or blog post that discusses recent developments and how that might affect human lives in the future.

Again, these are merely suggestions. You can use any humanities piece that suits your topic and your purpose.

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