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ENGL 1102: Entering Public Debate Rubric CT Trait—Paper Scant Minimally Developed Moderately

ENGL 1102: Entering Public Debate Rubric

CT Trait—Paper


Minimally Developed

Moderately Developed

Substantially developed

1. Has a clear purpose; identifies and summarizes the problem(s), question(s), or issue at stake.

2. Identifies and presents the student’s own perspectives /position and explains their relation to other positions important to the issue.

3. Identifies and assesses own key assumptions and beliefs and those stakeholders may have on the issue.

4. Uses relevant supporting evidence, data, reasoning to build valid argument; critically reads sources.

5. Demonstrates awareness of intended audience(s) and genre by tone, language, and organization

6. Identifies and considers the influence of appropriate contexts on the issue—social, cultural, political, ethical, historical, material etc.

7. Reflects on conclusions, implications, consequences.

8. Complete essay is at least 2,100 words, titled and formatted with Times New Roman font, double-space, 1″ margins, and Works Cited page containing at least five sources in MLA citation style.

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