English 111 Common Assignment Final Exam Rubric
25% of Student’s Final Grade in English 111
Student’s Name: Course Section:
Final Grade:
Meets Common Assignment Guidelines: worth 25 points
Evaluation Description
Points Deducted
Topic, introduction, thesis, supporting paragraphs and conclusion responds to final exam prompt.
Essay has a thesis that makes an argument.
Essay follows MLA page layout guidelines.
Essay meets page requirement (3 to 5 pages).
Essay directs topic to a specific audience.
Essay purpose is consistently clear.
Total Points
Organization and Content: worth 25 points
Evaluation Description
Points Deducted
Introduction defines topic, offers depth and is at least six sentences in length. Thesis is the last sentence of the introduction.
Body paragraph topics are in a logical, coherent order for the intended audience.
Paragraphs have a topic sentence and the rest of the sentences in the paragraph explain the topic sentence with examples, quoted evidence, and/or explanations.
Ideas connect logically sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph –transitions are clear.
Introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs are clearly related –essay stays on topic.
Essay includes a counterargument paragraph, defining other viewpoints.
Each paragraph contains ideas and supporting information that reaches beyond the obvious, makes an argument, and helps prove the thesis.
Analysis of evidence/quotations represents the source ethically, supports the topic of the body paragraphs and thesis consistently, and moves well beyond reiterating and repeating the source’s ideas.
Essay conclusion summarizes main points.
Total Points
MLA In-Text Citations and Work Cited: worth 20 points
Evaluation Description
Points Deducted
Researched essay has a minimum of two sources (one may be an article/essay from Norton Field Guide; one must be a peer reviewed scholarly article
A minimum of three MLA formatted in-text citations are required.
Quoted evidence (in-text citations for quotations) is introduced with writer or organization’s name and/or appropriate signal phrasing
Quoted evidence follows MLA citation guidelines.
Paraphrased evidence follows MLA citation guidelines.
Works Cited has required number/kind of sources and follows MLA citation guidelines.
Total Points
Voice/Usage/Punctuation/Sentence Structure: worth 20 points
Evaluation Description
Points Deducted
Essay uses objective voice—Do not use I, us, we, you, me, or my.
Sentences are clear and free of typos/simple editing mistakes.
Usage and mechanics rules are followed per handbook guidelines.
Essay punctuation usage follows handbook guidelines.
Total Points
Revision: worth 10 points
Evaluation Description
Points Deducted
Essay shows revision from drafts.
Students show they have read and used instructor feedback/edits and made revisions.
Total Points
Instructor Comments/Observations
Failing essays will receive detailed feedback in this section. Essays earning a 61 or higher will receive feedback on this rubric only.
Essays may earn significant deductions for the following:
Students cite research in the body of the essay, but the full citation (research) is not listed on the works cited page. And/or, the name/organization used in-text does not match the name listed first alphabetically on the works cited page.
The student quotes evidence/research in the essay, but does not provide any citation of any kind after the quotation.
The student paraphrases (uses statistics, theories, complex ideas generated from other sources) and does not cite after the paraphrased information that clearly came from another source (even though the student put the ideas in the student’s own words).
*Instructors are asked to consider if the citation concerns are plagiarism or editing mistakes—the point deduction will depend on how the student incorrectly cited. Instructors should clearly note significant point deductions. Does this final exam show a student can complete work in English 112 or English 114?
Essays will earn a zero (0) for the following:
The student fails to submit the final exam by the instructor’s deadline.
The student copies word for word from another essay or from another source (or signicant portions of another source). Intentional plagiarism will result in an automatic zero.
The works cited page is missing. There are no in-text citations or references to sources in introductory sentences. All rough drafts and final exams must have a works cited page to earn a grade for drafts and final exam assignments in English 111.
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