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ENV 250 Module Three Homework: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods Andrea Insinna 1.

ENV 250 Module Three Homework: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

Andrea Insinna

1. Special dyes have been developed that only bind to DNA. The intensity of the color is directly related to the quantity of DNA present in the cell. A haploid cell would have a “low” amount of color, a cell in G1 would have a “medium” amount of color, and a cell in M phase would have a “high” amount of color.

Is this sort of assessment quantitative, qualitative or semi-quantitative?

This assessment is qualitative because it is observing and describing the intensity of the color.

2. The amount of chlorophyll in a pond sample is directly related to the amount of algae in the water. The more algae present in the pond, the more chlorophyll will be in the sample (i.e., the sample will be greener). The pond sample can be treated and run through a spectrophotometer to determine the exact amount of chlorophyll in the sample. The spectrophotometer reads the absorbance (which is based on color) and compares it to values established with a standard curve.

Is this sort of assessment quantitative, qualitative, or semi-quantitative?

This assessment is semi-quantitative because the amount of chlorophyll is being compared.

3. Dr. Brown has hypothesized that wetland plants will take up common pollutants from municipal wastewater that are not completely removed during the treatment process. The wastewater is typically discharged directly into a creek. She constructs a wetland just downstream of the treatment plant and pumps a portion of the discharge water through the wetland. After moving through the wetland, the water will eventually make it to the creek. Dr. Brown measures the concentration of three common pollutants in the wastewater before it enters the wetland and again at the end of the wetland prior to discharge into the creek.

Are Dr. Brown’s methods quantitative, qualitative, or semi-quantitative?

This assessment is quantitative because Dr. Brown is measuring concentration of pollutants.

4. Martin has hypothesized that the size and types of trees differ between valleys and higher elevations. He sets up a transect line in a wooded valley and randomly creates three 10 x 10 meter plots along the transect line, recording GPS coordinates for the northwest corner of each plot. He identifies and measures (diameter at breast height) every tree within the plots. He repeats this procedure in a wooded area on the ridge above the valley.

Are Martin’s methods for identifying and measuring trees quantitative, qualitative, or semi-quantitative?

Martin’s methods are semi-quantitative because he is comparing the measurements and types of trees.

5. Jesse is working with the local electric company to identify a location for a new wind farm. The site has to have wind on a regular basis, be within 50 miles of existing infrastructure, be outside of any bird migration corridors, and be supported by the local population.

Specifically state what type of data Jesse needs to collect to meet the electric company’s criteria (one for each criterion), then state whether the data would be quantitative, qualitative, or semi-quantitative.

Jesse needs to use an anemometer to collect data of the wind’s direction and speed, measure the distance between existing infrastructure and hilly terrain surrounded by mountains and access to solar energy, research bird migration patterns to avoid electromagnetic interference with the bird’s magnetoreception, and inform the local population of the pros for a wind farm such as cutting energy costs. The data would be qualitative because the data is observable, collected through a focus group being the local population, and hypothesis will develop once the work is complete.

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