ES382 A3 Quality Techniques Resit Question 2021
Submission deadline: Tuesday 31st August 12 noon BST on Tabula.
All submissions that miss this deadline will be subject to the normal 5 marks per day penalty.
IT/Technology issues experienced in the hour before submission will not warrant mitigating circumstances and late penalties will be applied.
Module Learning Outcomes
On completion of this module the student should be able to:
Communicate the principles and practice of customer focus and the concept of value.
Assess levels of variability and waste within a process.
Evaluate risk and assess reliability in complex engineering situations.
Quantify the impact of these issues on organizational performance.
Apply appropriate combinations of tools to improve customer value and organizational performance.
Interpret the outputs of analyses to determine critical causes of poor performance, and present the data effectively to drive action.
Process variation and its associated effects can potentially have a huge effect on quality and reliability whether it be performance characteristics or customer perception.
Research and propose how to implement Statistical Process Control successfully into an organisation. Justify the benefits with regard to process variation.
Construct working examples of two different types of control charts and evaluate their application (use case studies).
Why is process capability so important? Explain using diagrams where necessary and indicate what benchmark performance standards you should aim to achieve (use examples to support you answer).
Remaining 10% will be allocated to academic writing, use of references etc.
Assignment Guidelines
The report should be presented as a formal technical report to include a summary, introduction, a main body of your report, discussion and conclusions.
Do not repeat large sections of theory about tools, techniques and systems as this will result in a low mark. Conduct an extensive literature review of recent research to support your report.
Please take care to reference correctly in your text and use Harvard Reference style all the way through the report.
Assessment requirements
A maximum word count of 1875 words. Submission is electronic via Tabula and using Turnitin software.
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