Essay Question:
‘What are some of the key elements of advocacy and community development when working with Aboriginal community/peoples?’
You will also be furthering your development of critical thinking skills, research techniques, writing in a culturally appropriate manner, formulating an academic argument supported by
relevant literature and academic writing skills.
You must provide references for all the points you make. You are to submit an academic style essay. You will use APA referencing.
8 references excluding course materials as a minimum.
You will be expected to undertake additional research for this essay and not just use course materials.
Note: You are encouraged to be critical about your topic and fewer marks may be allocated to essays that are more descriptive rather than analytical. You will need to create a supported
argument within your discussion. You do not need to just describe and retell events.
You will also be marked on your essay structure.
‘What are some of the key elements of advocacy and community development when working with Aboriginal community/peoples?’
You have a lot of scope in how you choose to explore this question.
You might like to choose an Aboriginal organisation and analyse how (their website represents) advocacy and community development implementation by that organisation. For example: the ALS (Aboriginal Legal Service); NACCHO (National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations); APY (Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara), or one of the many other Aboriginal organisations in Australia.
You could choose a government department (local, state or federal) and analyse advocacy and community development within their remit. You might like to compare a federal department to a state or local department, or two state departments, or a local government with a state or federal. You might want to look at an Aboriginal administered LGA (local government area) such as APY or the Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council.
You might like to choose an Aboriginal activist organisation, such as WAR (Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance) or GMAR (Grandmothers Against Removal).
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