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Film Journal 2 Instructions The purpose of the film journal is to

Film Journal 2 Instructions

The purpose of the film journal is to allow students the opportunity to view and discuss films that coincide with class discussions. The journal itself will consist of entries of at least 250 words on a films picked from the following categorical list. Only films and options provided in the list can be used for the Film Journal. The entry will consist of a general response to the film and an in-depth discussion on how the film relates to in-class lectures. For example, you can provide what you thought of the film on a general level and then discuss how the specific film you picked shows the characteristics of the category it is in. The final goal is to have a complete film journal that will include 3 entries.

These films are all available on Netflix and Hulu+, some available free online, some are available at Blockbuster, some are available from local academic libraries and local public libraries, and perhaps some may be borrowed from classmates. Hopefully with the available resources you will have no problem acquiring any of these films.

Format for Film Journal

1 entry from French New Wave (250 Words)
1 entry from Art Cinema & Auteur (250 Words)
1 entry from Contemporary Hollywood Cinema (250 Words)

Possible Links for Online Viewing of Film Journal Films

It is up to the student to complete all eight viewings by the time the final journal is due. These films are all available on Netflix and Hulu+, some available free online, some are available at Blockbuster, some are available from local academic libraries and local public libraries, and perhaps some may be borrowed from classmates. Hopefully with the available resources you will have no problem acquiring any of these films.

This idea of keeping a consistent list has unfortunately become unmaintable due to the nature of streaming services. However the following links do provide at least a few possible places to find the films.

Reelgood purports to have a listing of all films on Netflix and Hulu Plus. It may be a good idea to try and use their search before deciding if you want to use their service.

The true best alternate right now is The Criterion Channel. You can find a sortable and search-able list of available films here.

Kanopy is an on-demand streaming of classic cinema, indie films, and top documentaries provided by the HACC library. There is a specific area for Criterion Collection films which does provide many films on our list.(Users will need to create a free, personal Kanopy account. Be sure to keep your account information in a safe place so that you can access Kanopy in the future. Films remain available for 72 hours, and HACC pays a minimal fee for each film viewed.)

Film List

Possible Viewings for French New Wave:  Hiroshima mon amour (Resnais, 1959), À bout de souffle / Breathless (Godard, 1960), Les quatre cents coups / The 400 Blows (Truffaut, 1959), Tirez sur le pianiste / Shoot the Piano Player (Truffaut, 1960), Jules et Jim / Jules and Jim (Truffaut, 1962), Le mépris / Contempt (Godard, 1963), Masculin féminine: 15 faits précis / Masculine, Feminine: In 15 Acts (Godard, 1966), Week End (Godard, 1967), La femme infidèle / The Unfaithful Wife (Charbol, 1968)

Possible Viewings for Art Cinema & Auteur:  The Cheat (DeMille, 1915), The Birth of a Nation (Griffith, 1915), Intolerance (Griffith, 1916), The Passion of Joan of Arc (Dreyer, 1929), Det sjunde inseglet / The Seventh Seal (Bergman, 1957), Smultronstället / Wild Strawberries (Bergman, 1957), Seven Samurai (Kurosawa, 1954), 8 ½ (Fellini, 1963), La Dolce Vita (Fellini, 1960), La Strada (Fellini, 1954), Blow-up (Antonioni, 1966), Psycho (Hitchcock, 1960), Rear Window (Hitchcock, 1954), Vertigo (Hitchcock, 1958), North by Northwest (Hitchcock, 1959), Un Chien Andalou (Bunuel, 1929), Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie / The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (Bunuel, 1972), Un condamné à mort s’est échappé ou Le vent souffle où il veut / A Man Escaped (Bresson, 1957), Journal d’un curé de campagne / Diary of a Country Priest (Bresson, 1950), M. Hulot’s Holiday (Tati, 1953), Mon Oncle (Tati, 1958) Playtime (Tati, 1967), The Chess Players (Ray, 1977), Aguirre: The Wrath of God (Herzog, 1972), Annie Hall (Allen), or any other film by an approved auteur (or one of the already listed directors).

Possible Viewings for Contemporary Hollywood Cinema: Lawrence of Arabia, Bonnie and Clyde, Midnight Cowboy, The Graduate, The Wild Bunch, Straw Dogs, Easy Rider, The Godfather, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Jaws, Apocalypse Now, Taxi Driver, Mean Streets, Night of the Living Dead, Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!, Titanic, Forrest Gump, Natural Born Killers, Do the Right Thing, Edward Scissorhands, Brazil, The Sixth Sense, Pretty Woman, When Harry Met Sally, Blade Runner, Airplane!, Silence of the Lambs, Se7en, Blue Velvet, Pulp Fiction, Sex, Lies, and Videotape, The Hudsucker Proxy, Clerks, Once Upon a Time in Mexico

Example of Film Journal Entry

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, directed by Robert Weine in 1920, is a German silent film about a sideshow operator Dr. Caligari who uses his Somnambulist to commit crimes. The pictures itself are very dark, consisting mostly of gray and yellowish lights. A scene of the film is shown, then the words are show with a blue background. The plot itself is not all that scary, but the landscape depictions are. Weine uses jagged lines and dark shadows to instill fright within the audience.

Like many films in the German Expressionism era, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari uses distortion and exaggeration exemplified by the twisting turning streets in the German town Holstenwall, where the film takes place, and the mountainous background made up of pointed lines and jagged edges. The director regularly opens the shots up close then moves backwards.

I found this film very slow moving, though I did like the plot. It was difficult to follow along because the scenes were shot, then words were shown to give the characters dialogue. It was even more difficult because those words were in German and the English subtitles took a looonnnggg time to scroll through. So even though the movie itself moved slowly, I did enjoy the story and the detail the director placed in the scenery.

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