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Film Poster Assignment For this assignment you will watch a short film

Film Poster Assignment

For this assignment you will watch a short film selected by your teacher. Your task is to create a poster to advertise the film. You can use Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slide or any other app to create your poster.

Film – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I75qa0kTeY4

You will be marked based on the following rubric:


Level R

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4



-Film information is missing

-no use of font

-Most information, like title of film, names of people involved in the making of the film is missing

-use of font

-identifies some key information, like title of film, names of people involved in the making of the film

-use of poster font

-identifies most key information, like title of film, names of people involved in the making of the film

-use of poster is evident

-identifies all key information, like title of film, names of people involved in the making of the film

-uses poster font effectively



-poster does not capture the film or identifies the setting, context, theme, tone and/or mood.

-errors in grammar and spelling prevent comprehension

-poster captures may identify the setting, context, theme, tone and/or mood

-many spelling or grammar errors prevent

-poster captures some of the essence of the film by identifying the setting, context, theme, tone and/or mood

-spelling or grammar errors distract from poster

-poster captures the essence of the film by identifying the setting, context, theme, tone and/or mood

-few spelling or grammar errors.

-poster captures the essence of the film effectively by identifying the setting, context, theme, tone and/or mood effectively.

-there are no spelling errors or grammar errors

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