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Film Provisional If you were a character in a film, how would

Film Provisional

If you were a character in a film, how would the first scene introduce you that would encapsulate you as a person?

She looks young for her age, 25 going on 35.

35 years old tiny woman with her baby face, she seems has 20 years old. Punctilious and sometimes shy for telling her great idea but when her surroundings believe her, she does big things. She likes sculpturing, so in her home decorating you can find many statues with a taste of romance and classic art. she joys of listening film music, one of her favorite music is ” singing’ in the rain” she brings on her YouTube and dancing with it. every day calls her family on what’s up and speaks and about nothing because she just won’t see them.

The smell of the morning coffee she is making has driven her crazy. She inhales the coffee and pours it into a cup. she puts the coffee on the breakfast table in front of her husband. Her husband starts rubbing Nutella on toast. And she looks at her husband with regret and says sarcastically: My apple is sweeter than your Nutella and hotter than your coffee. Her husband says: Well, if you eat bread and Nutella, you will get hungry later. Pointing to his stomach, she says that caffeine is not good for baby!

In the area of literature, name your favorite writer or book. write a few sentences defending your choice.

One of the best Gabriel Garcia Marquez Book is “One Hundred Years of Solitude.” I can confess Gabriel is cannot be sane because this book embodies the entirety of what it means to be unique. Gabriel beautifully depicts the magic realist narrative and forces you to follow the Hundred years of many fortunes and misfortunes of seven generations of the Buendia family.

Garcia Marquez is the perfect writer of the magical realism literary genre. With the skill of idea and inspiration to sprinkle a little bit of magic into the realistic, Garcia can entertain readers in the most enchanting way.

In the area of fine arts, name your favorite artist or work write a few sentence defending your choice.

In the area of fine art, I like Caravaggio’s artwork whose artwork is full of tenebrous dark and Deliberately illuminates key figures in a combination for dramatic effects. In another word his artwork has very eye-catching lighting. His paintings are very realistic and sometimes violent. In a way, he shows the real world very violently and uncensored. In each frame of his paintings, with very fine details, he inspires the viewer with emotion it seems he imprint untold story in the viewer’s mind. Although he has used religious issues, but his paintings are not boring and repetitive at all, they are very creative, and full of adventures. An example could be “The Incredulity of Saint Thomas (1602).” First, lights and shadows contrast violently, and Saint Thomas placing his finger in Christ’s side. The shocked faces of the three apostles, as opposed to the very calm face of Christ, which is in stark contrast to them it resonates Christ’s crucifixion in the viewer’s mind.

What is the most important historical event to you? Be sure to explain why you choose that event.

Choose one film and describe how the visual imagery and the sound both work well together collaboratively to tell the story. Be sure to list the film by name.

In Paul Thomas Anderson’s film, “There will be blood,” the visual imagery and sound both work well together collaboratively to tell the story.

Daniel Plainview is a prospector looking for silver in New Mexico. Johnny Greenwood’s orchestral score from the starting scene provides a creeping tension that foreshadows the violence to come.

Mysterious music foretells the event, such as breaking Daniel’s leg in a silver mine. Desert scenes and Daniel Plainview’s ruthless behavior go hand in hand with the sound of scary and dry Greenwood music. It helps tell the story well, and the audience expects an event every moment.

As Daniel’s greed for oil grows and his conflict with preacher Eli Sunday, so does the tension and movement of music. It sets the scene when Plainview’s son H.W. becomes struck deaf and the moment derrick fires and the chaotic happen. The track builds slowly with a smattering of syncopated percussion that soon builds to a raucous clatter.

sound amplifies the visual imagery, but it isn’t unrelenting, there is plenty of room for silent dialogue. mostly the score is used to enhance particular scenes and appear to tense the necessary moment.

Describe some of the most important attributed and qualities of a film that distinguishes a really great film from an average to mediocre film.

Script, Character, Acting, Sound, Visuals

There are many different ideas about great film to average film but

I’m commenting on the top 250 IMDB movies that I admire most of the time. Of course, the IMDB list is based on the opinions of people and critics. Even I can admit that some good movies have not been added to the IMDB list yet, but the attributes are almost the same. First of all, good movies have a good script, and a good script has good characterization, which makes the viewer accompany the character, whether the character is good or bad. There is often the main story in good screenplays and several sub-stories that help the viewer become more involved with the story. Sound can induce a sense of imagination, and great sound can make a great film, but it is not the only attribute that makes a film great. The film itself becomes a good film along with the script and other factors. It has a great impact on making a great movie

The next Attribute is acting. You can’t expect a great movie just by having a good screenplay, acting can ruin a good screenplay as well, so I think a good screenplay depends on good acting. Unlike, having just good acting without a good script can make an average film.

Just having good visuals in the film isn’t a sign of a good film. Many films with good visuals are classified in the category of mediocre films because the story and characterization are not perfect. But most great films and movies also have perfect visuals, and the aesthetic elements are very well observed in the images.

You best friend wants to DP on your film and you don’t think they’re the best candidate what would you do? How would you handle the situation?

In real life, my best friend knows that I am very outspoken and easily reject his request. But let’s assume that my best friend insists on running the DP. I will try to compare his portfolio with the ones I expect and explain to him by example why I cannot accept his presence in this position.

You are the producer of senior film. And one of the group members is argumentative threatening to some in the group, and difficult. The group needs this person’s financial contribution to make the film. How would you handle the situation?


It may seem easiest to just ignore the problem. However, if you ignore it, the problem will continue and cause more damage to your team.

But we first needed to understand what was going on.


Speak to your team member about the problem. Approach the conversation respectfully and do it privately.


Listen to what the team member shares about the situation. Give them time to talk and use active listening skills. There may be other factors that you weren’t aware of.

4. COME UP WITH A SOLUTION FOR THE DIFFICULT TEAM MEMBER. Once you’ve had an initial discussion about the problem, come up with a solution.

5. STAY PROFESSIONAL. Don’t spread gossip. Don’t take it personally. Keep your calm.


Once a plan is in place for a solution, track the situation to see if it’s improving.


You shouldn’t let the behavior go on long. If you don’t see any effort for improvement and it threatens your project, escalate.

There’s only so much you can do as a project manager if you don’t have formal a formal management role over a team member.

When you do escalate, be specific about the behavior. Rather than speaking in vague terms, use examples and tell about specific behaviors to illustrate your situation.

Rather than saying “John is always a jerk” or “Jane never gets her work done”, instead say “John repeatedly speaks disrespectfully to the team” and “Jane continues to miss deadlines and commitments she’s made to the team”.

This is clear and concrete.

Then give the boss more to go on, such as what you’ve done to try to remedy the situation and the risk involved if nothing changes.

Achieving a successful career as a filmmaker, whether as a crew member, screenwriter or director, is difficult. understanding why you want to become a filmmaker is an important aspect to succeeding in the industry. The “why” will inform your decision on who you work with (or who you work for), how you make the work, and you sense of yourself as an artist and story teller. Please let us know why you want to become filmmaker.

-Fundamental reason of many filmmakers: you have a story, something to say, and it is the best way to get it across. The use of moving images is compelling way to do so

What primary skill area did you choose? What are your personal strengths that make you a good candidate for this skill area? Describe

Film editing is one of my hobbies after directing because I have a good ability to memorize images and I am very happy to cut the images and put together the desired parts and make a story out of it.

Essay: describing a single personal experience that formed who you are as a person today.

Form childhood I am always looking for the creative way. When I needed binocular and my family couldn’t buy a great binocular I found the way to make myself. At that time, I’ve learn I must create whatever I want not just stand and want it. In childhood I liked astronomy because I was thinking everything come from stars and when I grow up I see

Photo story section: create a photo story containing a character with a normal dilemma or problem and a resolution to the dilemma or problem that demonstrates the power of your visual story telling.



“If you allow the reader to fill in their own physical details like height and eye color, that character is more likely to stick in the reader’s mind.”

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