Growing up, my family did not have much money. So when we’d go grocery shopping we couldn’t just buy whatever without looking at the price. Hence we’d look at all the various options of products and determine which would hold the most value for what we pay. I would be able to do so by calculating which product had the most value for money depending on its size or what special offers were available and the price we’d have to pay very easily. It was like second nature to me, I have always loved using numbers to make informed decisions.
Every night my dad, my brother and I would play poker. To me everything was a bunch of numbers which could be used to make predictions or just normal decisions. So I was able to calculate the odds of me winning with the hand that was dealt to me. My passion for mathematics has really helped me utilize my time as efficiently as possible. Even when I have very many tasks to be completed in a day thanks to mathematics I can plan what to do when and for how long. Without mathematics I wouldn’t be as confident as I am in my decisions.
I don’t see mathematics leaving my life ever. As no matter what day and age it is numbers will always be there to guide me. I would love delve a lot further in mathematics as a subject at university.
With this essay I couldn’t really highlight all the different aspects of how maths has affected my life. I couldn’t find the words to express exactly how much I love maths and how it has changed me for the better.
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