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In the informational economy, we consume meaning as much as we consume products. Explain this argument with reference to the readings and provide several examples which you consider justify your position.

— Brands&Belief class (Master in Communications) —
Branding Theory final questions
At least 500 WORDS per question
“You will be expected to show your capacity to understand, articulate and
intervene in arguments concerning the paradigm shift in contemporary
culture, media and economics. This shift concerns the new ways that
branding has become the fulcrum point for value to be created in a globalized
media driven economy. You should compare different theorists from the
required and recommended reading and be free to then add others. You have
to use the READINGS* but you may not plagarise.”
*see uploaded files*
1. In the informational economy, we consume meaning as much as we
consume products. Explain this argument with reference to the readings
and provide several examples which you consider justify your position.
2. What is the relationship between an economy of attention and branding?
Using specific case studies consider how these two phenomena interact.
3. Branding increasingly involves surveillance and measuring human
movement and activity. How have data driven and algorithmic approaches
changed branding? Explain with examples how they constrict construct
their subjective experience and identity. Refer to the readings.
4. Explain the importance of interactivity for contemporary brand
management. How is brand design linked to digital media? Please refer to
the readings.
5. Explain the theory of disruption and how it applies to branding. Refer to
texts discussed in class.
6. Is branding a new way of governing people? Does branding help shape
and manage identity and the perception of community? As our lives are
dominated by commercial and economic logics rather than political ones,
are our lives managed by brands rather than the state.
7. Ardvisson (2006:81) says contemporary brand management presupposes
that the value of brands does not primarily derive from qualities that wear
their mark. It is something else. the brand resides at the social or even
spiritual level (Gad 2000:147) Do you agree? Argue for or against with
specific examples.
8. Discuss the relationship between politics and branding in the
contemporary world, how have political beliefs become linked to brands
and how have political movements become like brands ? please refer to
readings such as Doyle and Cosentino. Has the management of attention
become central to politics and politics central to branding?
9. Please relate branding, games, narrative and puzzles. Discuss the
theorists who talk about these ideas and take examples from the readings
and apply them.
10. How has platform capitalism changed brands? How are platforms
branded? How do they induce belief.










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