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“Knowing About the Human Rights Violations, how can Qatar be Allowed to

“Knowing About the Human Rights Violations, how can Qatar be Allowed to Host the 2022 World Cup in Soccer?”

Rationale: Qatar is the host of the 2022 World Cup in soccer. This has made a big controversy due to the country’s treatment of the migrant workers who build the stadiums. Human rights laws are being violated and the migrant workers works so hard over long period of time which can cause death as a consequence. The treatment of the migrant workers are terrible, the salary, the living standards are way below acceptable standards, but FIFA is not doing anything to change this or boycott the World Cup which many other countries are thinking about doing if nothing is being done in Qatar.

Hypothesis: My hypothesis is that Qatar have payed FIFA and the leaders of FIFA so much money that they couldn’t say no. This is corruption, which is a standard in soccer nowadays, sadly. Soccer has become a sport with a lot of money, no other athletes gets payed as high as soccer players and the same regards the coaches, and the leaders at the top of the soccer associations worldwide. I believe FIFA received so much money that they could not say no to have Qatar host the World Cup, this says a lot about FIFA and how they operate, they care about the money, they don’t care about human rights or the fact that migrant workers die in the process of building the stadiums which will host the games during the World Cup.

Problem Explication

What: In no more than two sentences, what is the problem that the research will
address? Remember, a problem is, essentially, something that is ‘going wrong’.

The problem that the research will address is the violation of human rights in Qatar and how they managed to be the host for the World Cup in 2022.

Who: List three current, peer-reviewed references that support the presence of
that problem and briefly describe the nature of that support.


Foxman, S. (2021, June 21). Bloomberg – Are you a robot? Www.bloomberg.com. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-21/why-qatar-is-a-controversial-venue-for-2022-world-cup-quicktake

Reuters. (2021, May 11). FIFA discusses human rights concerns ahead of Qatar World Cup. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/fifa-discusses-human-rights-concerns-ahead-qatar-world-cup-2021-05-11/

Sky. (2021, March 30). Qatar World Cup: Germany, Norway and Netherlands players voice human rights concerns. Sky Sports. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/12258996/qatar-world-cup-germany-norway-and-netherlands-players-voice-human-rights-concerns

These references clearly target why there is a controversy in Qatar hosting the World Cup and that the human rights are being violated.

2. How, Where, and When: Again, in no more than two sentences, describe the impact of the problem. How are people or researchers’ understanding negatively impacted by the problem? When and where is the problem evident?

The impact of this problem is that it takes innocent lives to hard working workers and violate the human rights. This is a continuous problem which the world tries to end, but Qatar does not care.

Who: List three current, peer-reviewed references that support the impact of the
problem that the research proposes addressing and briefly describe the nature of
that support.

Wion. (2021). FIFA World Cup 2022: One of the most controversial world cups in football history. WION. https://www.wionews.com/photos/fifa-world-cup-qatar-2022-one-of-the-most-controversial-world-cups-in-football-history-274367

Heinrich, J. (2021, September 30). Find the balance: boycott the 2022 World Cup in Qatar – or not? Www.ispo.com. https://www.ispo.com/en/events/find-balance-boycott-2022-world-cup-qatar-or-not

Mælnes, H. (2021, March 30). Could a Norway boycott of the Qatar World Cup change the future of football? | Håvard Melnæs. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/mar/30/norway-boycott-qatar-world-cup-football

The problem is the violation of the human rights which is talked about and discussed in these articles, I use these articles to gather information about the problem I want to solve.

Why: In no more than two sentences, identify the conceptual basis for the problem. That is, what does the literature outline as the cause of the problem?

Main cause of the problem is violation of the human rights.

Who: List three current, peer-reviewed references that support the conceptual
basis of the problem and briefly describe the nature of that support.

Wion. (2021). FIFA World Cup 2022: One of the most controversial world cups in football history. WION. https://www.wionews.com/photos/fifa-world-cup-qatar-2022-one-of-the-most-controversial-world-cups-in-football-history-274367

‌ Heinrich, J. (2021, September 30). Find the balance: boycott the 2022 World Cup in Qatar – or not? Www.ispo.com. https://www.ispo.com/en/events/find-balance-boycott-2022-world-cup-qatar-or-not

Mælnes, H. (2021, March 30). Could a Norway boycott of the Qatar World Cup change the future of football? | Håvard Melnæs. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/mar/30/norway-boycott-qatar-world-cup-football

The main cause of this problem is the violation of the human rights which is talked about in these articles.

What type of study – experimental, descriptive, developmental, causal-comparative,
etc. – do you propose conducting to address the problem?

Descriptive study

Who: List three current, peer-reviewed references that support the type of study
being proposed and briefly describe the nature of that support.

Wion. (2021). FIFA World Cup 2022: One of the most controversial world cups in football history. WION. https://www.wionews.com/photos/fifa-world-cup-qatar-2022-one-of-the-most-controversial-world-cups-in-football-history-274367

Heinrich, J. (2021, September 30). Find the balance: boycott the 2022 World Cup in Qatar – or not? Www.ispo.com. https://www.ispo.com/en/events/find-balance-boycott-2022-world-cup-qatar-or-not

Mælnes, H. (2021, March 30). Could a Norway boycott of the Qatar World Cup change the future of football? | Håvard Melnæs. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/mar/30/norway-boycott-qatar-world-cup-football

I am doing a descriptive study where I gather information from other articles written over the last past years.

5. What research questions would your study attempt to answer? Remember, research questions must be answerable by the type of study being proposed, and must relate directly to the problem being addressed. The answers to the research questions, in essence, would be the manner in which your study would make a contribution toward addressing the problem.

“Knowing About the Human Rights Violations, how can Qatar be Allowed to Host the 2022 World Cup in Soccer?”

6. What data would be necessary to answer the research questions?

The necessary data needed in order to be able to answer the research questions would be to gather plenty of articles and research studies regarding the world cup in Qatar. I believe the answer is clear, “corruption”. This is certainly not being said out loud in public, but if I manage to gather many relevant articles which targets the problem I want to answer.


Christenson, M. (2021, March 25). Norway players take human rights stand before World Cup qualifier. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2021/mar/24/norway-players-take-human-rights-stand-before-world-cup-qualifier

Foxman, S. (2021, June 21). Bloomberg – Are you a robot? Www.bloomberg.com. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-06-21/why-qatar-is-a-controversial-venue-for-2022-world-cup-quicktake

Heinrich, J. (2021, September 30). Find the balance: boycott the 2022 World Cup in Qatar – or not? Www.ispo.com. https://www.ispo.com/en/events/find-balance-boycott-2022-world-cup-qatar-or-not

Mælnes, H. (2021, March 30). Could a Norway boycott of the Qatar World Cup change the future of football? | Håvard Melnæs. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/mar/30/norway-boycott-qatar-world-cup-football

Peters, J. (2012, October 1). How Qatar Won the Right to Host the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Bleacher Report. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/1793593-how-qatar-won-the-right-to-host-the-2022-fifa-world-cup

Reuters. (2021, May 11). FIFA discusses human rights concerns ahead of Qatar World Cup. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/fifa-discusses-human-rights-concerns-ahead-qatar-world-cup-2021-05-11/

Sky. (2021, March 30). Qatar World Cup: Germany, Norway and Netherlands players voice human rights concerns. Sky Sports. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/12258996/qatar-world-cup-germany-norway-and-netherlands-players-voice-human-rights-concerns

Wion. (2021). FIFA World Cup 2022: One of the most controversial world cups in football history. WION. https://www.wionews.com/photos/fifa-world-cup-qatar-2022-one-of-the-most-controversial-world-cups-in-football-history-274367

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