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My main topic of the essay is “Life at Conception”. I am

My main topic of the essay is “Life at Conception”. I am pro-life. I would like to provide information on the proof thereof. I would also like to include two interviews from abortion survivors. I need pro-life views as pro-choice. All pointing back to Life at conception.

I basically have two

Draft of Final Essay on Main Topic – Due 8/7 by 6 pm 10-12 pages

Final of Essay Topic. – Due 8/14 by 6 pm (A final version of the Draft)

*I have provided the information for the sources that I had choosen for the final essay that needs to be used throughout the issue, draft and final essay.

Instructions for the Draft of the Final Essay and the actual finished essay are the same, except we obviously have a draft of the final, and the instsructions are as follows:

Research essay must be a 10-12 page (approximately 2500-3000 word) essay that takes a clearly definable stance regarding an issue, supports it with credible research, and defends it effectively in an appropriate academic writing style.  The essay should demonstrate the standards of good argumentation.

Research Requirements

For your final essay you will be required to utilize information from the following areas:

Internet— 1 – 4 sources

Academic Journals, Articles, and/or Periodicals— 4 – 7 sources

Academic Book— 1 – 7 sources

Biblical— 1 source

Original Research— 1 source


Source selections for a., b., and c. must meet the standards of credibility established in this class.  Students must evaluate each source for accuracy and authority.

Your biblical reference requires substantial support for your thesis from whatever translation of the Bible you choose.  Link your research meaningfully with scripture as best you can.

Original research examples include interviews, polls, questionnaires, observations, experiments, case studies, and other methods of collecting information beneficial to your thesis.  For example, a university is a wonderful place to seek interviews with knowledgeable sources (faculty experts in diverse disciplines).

However you decide on the numbers for each kind of source, the total number of sources must be 14 minimum.


Your essay should be composed in proper MLA format, including headers, page-numbering, font, paragraphing, line spacing, documentation, and the Work Cited page.

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