Running head: ORGANIC FOODS 1
Organic Foods Annotated Bibliography
Tanh Nguyen
Organic Foods Annotated Bibliography
Better Health channel. (n.d.). Organic food. Retrieved August 21, 2021, from
Victoria state government, department of health, and Deakin University have approved the article. The article discusses organic farming and discredits the analogy that organic foods are entirely free from chemicals. It explores the advantages of organic foods and explains why it is better than non-organic foods. Besides, it states the measures used to certify food as organic and gives the organic certifiers. The insights provided are crucial to credit the organic foods.
Forman, J., & Silverstein, A. (2012). Organic foods: Health and environmental advantages and disadvantages. PEDIATRICS, 130(5), 1406-1411. doi:10.1542/peds.2012-2579
Joel and Janet are the managing directors of the Committee on Nutrition and Council on Environmental Health. The article defines “organic,” comparing organic and conventional foods’ nutritional claim benefits and farming. Also, it outlines the blueprint of organic food labeling. The article is fundamental as it discusses the shared beliefs of organic foods, proves the advantages, and educates on the farming practices that set them apart as better than conventional foods.
Gopalakrishnan, D. R. (2019). Advantages and nutritional value of organic food on human health. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, Volume-3(Issue-4), 242-245. doi:10.31142/ijtsrd23661
Gopalakrishnan is an assistant professor of economics in various institutes. The journal compiles scientific research on the advantages of organic foods. The article discusses ten main benefits. Better taste, more nutrients, immune system improvement, great antioxidant value, healthier than conventional food because of the less exposure to antibiotics and pesticides, indigenous food production, organic foods support the system which accommodates the entire ecosystem, supports and encourages community farming and environment protection; conventional food causes soil erosion and continuous to promote traces of poisonous chemicals in the soil.
Greenwood, V. (2021, August 13). The world’s most nutritious foods. Retrieved August 21, 2021, from
The article discusses the 100 most nutritious organic foods as investigated and labeled by scientists. The list is fundamental as it provides other food alternatives and recipes recommended for better health. Greenwood also explores the leading innovation on organic food, the scientists growing lettuce for salads in space stations. The story follows Frank Morton, a passionate organic farmer who invented crossbreeds of various lettuce resistant to bacteria. Morton’s invention shows the technological advancements made in organic foods.
Morgan, J. (2014, July 11). Study sparks organic foods debate. Retrieved August 21, 2021, from
The article is a compilation of the known facts about organic and non-organic food. The article argues between the nutrition aspect of the two foods, and it is fundamental as it adequately presents two sides of the argument. Morgan does not provide a conclusion, but the diverse perspectives from renowned scientists shed light on the different views surrounding the two kinds of food.
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