PHIL 1101.001 Final Essay
Fall 2021
Due on BlackBoard by 9 p.m., on December 9th
Please write an argumentative essay which answers question 1 (Living without Free Will) on page 666 of our textbook.
Essay Outline:
1. Introduction (State your position and your two reasons in favor of your position).
2. Reason (1).
3. Reason (2).
4. Anticipate an objection to either one of your reasons.
5. Respond to this objection.
6. Conclusion.
Essay Requirements:
1. Please read the guide on how to write philosophy papers (available on BlackBoard under ‘Information’).
2. Answer the question given, not any other question that may be related to it.
3. Follow the outline given.
4. Write clearly.
5. No long quotations; paraphrase instead.
6. Prepare your in-text citations and ‘Works Cited’ section at the end of your essay according to the MLA guidelines, which you can find on our library’s website.
7. Demonstrate a good understanding of the relevant articles and discussions in our textbook.
8. Present the ideas in a logical order, not in the form of a free association of ideas.
9. Express your views, using phrases such as, “I argue that… for the following reason…” or “One reason why I maintain … is that …”.. The expression of your views should not be merely a list of questions or complaints. Complaints are welcome as long as they are grounded by reasons. Questions are welcome only if you answer them right away. Do not expect the reader to answer them for you, i.e., no rhetorical questions.
10. Your essay should start with an introductory paragraph. An introductory paragraph, for this course, is one which merely states the topic of the essay and the argument of the author. It does not say anything else. The author states their argument by telling the reader which position they will argue for and what their reasons are.
11. You should end your essay with a concluding paragraph. A concluding paragraph restates what you’ve argued for and why; and it may also point to an interesting question that the author thinks arises out of her evaluation.
12. Edit your essay. Check for spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes. Ensure that your essay expresses the ideas that you intended it to.
13. Min. 700, max. 800 words, 12 font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, normal margins.
14. Do not leave space between paragraphs. Indent each paragraph. No subheadings. Number your pages. Word file, not pdf or google documents.
Note that you can borrow a laptop from the library, if you run into issues with your own computer.
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