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Provide a response to each peer. 1 paragraph per peer Include ONE

Provide a response to each peer.

1 paragraph per peer

Include ONE reference PER peer response

Peer 1

Is abortion morally wrong?

The topic of abortion is a very sensitive topic and brings the dilemma of morale. The killing of a another human being is considered morally wrong. However, the question that arises is one in which what is considered a human and if so does the killing of a fetus ultimately mean the killing of human. If a fetus is considered a human being then the answer to this question would be yes. Yes, an abortion would be morally wrong. On the other hand, if the fetus isn’t considered a human yet then my answer to this question is no. No, an abortion is not morally wrong. Another question that arises is what constitutes a human. The theory of personhood is used, John Locke explained the following: “persons are beings with personalities: persons are conscious beings with thoughts, feelings, memories, anticipations and other psychological states. (When people insist that fetuses aren’t human beings, they might be claiming that they are not human persons). If we die or even become permanently comatose, we cease to be persons, since we permanently lose consciousness.” (Nobis, 2016) When taking this theory into consideration, abortions made prior to the end of the first trimester wouldn’t be morally wrong. Furthermore, abortions made after the first trimester would affect the fetus and it would be morally wrong to conduct. When considering the right to life “Fetuses, then, might not have a right to the pregnant woman’s body and so she doesn’t violate their rights by not allowing a fetus to use it. Abortion thus may not violate the rights of fetuses and so may be permissible.” (Nobis, 2016) In this theory the determination of morality is due to the answer of what is considered a human being. 

Peer 2

Should abortion be illegal?

The subject of whether abortion should be made illegal has sparked heated debate in several societies. People differ on whether or not abortion should be allowed or illegal. Advocates of making abortion illegal argue that it violates the individual’s right to life. An individual has a unique genetic identity that remains stable over his or her whole life span (Fathalla, 2020).  In this case, this individual possesses an inherent right to life that should not be compromised under any circumstances. Abortion is a violation of everyone’s right to life since it takes the life of a child. Furthermore, abortion cannot be justified on religious grounds because all religions reject the killing of others and are therefore opposed to abortion under any circumstances. 

Abortion, on the other hand, is supported by numerous arguments in favor of legalization in various instances. Abortion should be made legal in order to help rape victims have the option of obtaining a safe abortion legally (Beckman, 2017). If abortion is illegal, rape victims might be unable to seek help. It is difficult to deal with rape, but it is even more difficult to deal with a child who has been raped. Women should choose whether or not to have an abortion, which has a major impact on population control. Both poverty and poor living conditions have a negative effect on a child’s development if he or she is born. Therefore, in this case, abortion should be made legal to avoid negative consequences for the unborn child. Certain situations require an abortion to save a mother’s life and an abortion is necessary in these cases. A good example is when a baby is growing in the mother’s fallopian tube, and the mother will die if the baby reaches full term. As a result of these exceptions, abortion should be legalized.

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