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PSY 2201 Final Quiz Please do your own work. Use IBM-SPSS for

PSY 2201 Final Quiz

Please do your own work. Use IBM-SPSS for the analysis and graphs, and submit your .SPV file.

Open the PSY 2201 Mental Health final quiz 2021.sav file

Variables: Gender (1=Female, 2=Male), Treatment (3 types: CBT, Psychodynamic, Drug), pet_owner? (1=Yes, 2=No), Mental Health Score at Time 1 (MH_Time1), Score at Time 2 (MH_Time2), Social Functioning Scale (SF), Body Pain Scale (BP)

Do descriptive analysis of these variables

TEST THE FOLLOWING HYPOTHESES: For each one, when requested, create the graph, and then test and report the results of each hypothesis test:

Do males vs, females have higher or lower mean Mental Health Scores at Time 1? Bar graph

Are there differences in Mental Health Scores as a function of Pet ownership? Bar graph

Were there differences in mean Mental Health Scores at Time 1 versus Time 2? Line graph

For Pet Owners only – Are there differences in Mental Health Score at Time 2 for the 3 different types of therapy? Bar graph

For all subjects – What is the relationship between Body Pain (BP) Score and Social Functioning (SF) scores? Scatterplot. Explain the results!

Are there differences in mean Mental Health scores (Time 1) for male versus females, and across 3 Types of Therapy (CBT vs. psychodynamic vs. drug). Cluster bar graph. Report all tests.

Are there any differences in the proportion of men vs. women across 3 types of therapy? No graph needed. Explain your results in terms of expected versus observed counts.

Most people fall below 70 on MH scores at Time 2 – were mean Mental Health Scores at Time 2 different from 70? No graph needed

Please number the questions on your output. Double-check your work – check your graphs and analysis plus sentences reporting the statistical results. This is due no later than Dec 9. Thank you!

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