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Reflecting the content of your introductory comments in this module, the topics

Reflecting the content of your introductory comments in this module, the topics you will propose should be issues that are important to a local community that you are a member of. We mean local in an expansive sense: What communities do you belong to in your hometown? In the Hamilton OHIO, Middletown, OHIO communities.

The purpose of this Discussion Board assignment is to introduce the idea of two issues you are interested in exploring in this class. The audience of these proposals is your peers and your instructor. Please compose two proposals that each offer up an idea for an issue you will be exploring through the semester. Each proposal should be between 200 words

Each Proposal Should Contain:

A title indicative of the topic you will be pursuing.

A Part One that tells a story of something that happened in the community you are investigating.  This story should point to a problem in that community. (Remember some of the advice you received earlier about action verbs–showing instead of telling.)

A Part Two that answers the following questions:

What issue are you interested in exploring across the semester? What local community do you belong to that this issue affects? Why is this community impacted by this issue? 

What about this topic makes you angry, happy, or sad? Do you anticipate any challenges to exploring this topic?

Is the issue too wide or too narrow? Do you think you will be able to investigate solutions and eventually write a research paper about this issue?

The following questions could also help you create a rich and insightful proposal (and probably will be addressed in the full paper), but they are not required as part of the proposal:  

What might be the nature(s) of this issue: Is it social, political, economic, biological, cultural, environmental, educational, multi-layered?

Who is already speaking about this issue? What do they have to say? What debates surround this issue?

Why does this matter now? What decision-making remains to be done?

What sources might be valuable to investigate this topic from multiple perspectives?

The post Reflecting the content of your introductory comments in this module, the topics appeared first on PapersSpot.


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