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Strategies for college success

Strategies for college success

U​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​nit 1: Time Management 1. Create an Eisenhower Matrix for the events that are upcoming for you in the next week (Friday 12/3 through Friday 12/10). Include both academic as well as personal events. (5) 2. Choose TWO of the events that are in your Eisenhower Matrix to create two intermediate (intermediate = accomplished by 12/10) SMART goals. (5) 3. Using the Pomodoro Technique, schedule your study time for 12/3 – 12/10. (10) Unit 2: Note-Taking 1. Listen to the brief PowerPoint presentation on the topic of genetics. The PowerPoint presentation is included in the folder of material for the Final Exam and is a little over 6 minutes. 2. Take notes on this lecture using the Cornell style of note-taking. You do NOT have to have a summary at the bottom of each page. (20) Unit 3: Textbook Reading 1. From the P2R Reading Strategy, do a PREVIEW of the excerpt about Memory Strategies. (18) a. This is taken from the College Study Skills text written by Dianna L. Van Blerkom; pages 103-116. The reading begins at the bottom of page 103 “General Memory Strategies” and ends on page 116 before “Organizational Strategies.” b. It can be found in the folder of Final Exam materials. 2. According to the P2R Reading Strategy, this reading chunk is too big. In your opinion, how would you have broken it up instead? Explain your reasoning. (2) Unit 4: Taking Tests 1. According to Bloom’s Taxonomy, text questions can assess student knowledge on 6 levels of difficulty. In the Final Exam materials folder, there is a list of 12 test questions. The answers have been provided. Determine the level of difficulty for each question – there are TWO questions for each level. Be aware – the higher-level questions INCLUDE the lower levels. For exampl​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​e, a question at the Analysis level will also require knowledge and comprehension. So, you want to label the questions according to their HIGHEST level. (6) 2. Test-wise strategies. a. Exam I had 50 multiple choice questions. The choice “a” had 12 questions, “b” 7 questions, “c” 15 questions, “d” 10 questions, and “e” 6 questions. Normally, multiple choice tests strive to be balanced and students can use that concept to help them guess at unknown questions. That would not have worked on this exam – why? (1) b. Why are spelling or grammatical errors on tests sometimes helpful? (1) 3. The list of questions from #1 above includes 4 short answer/essay questions. For each of the four questions, write the topic sentence for the answer a student would write. (8) Under each topic sentence sketch out a quick outline of what a student could say to answer the question. (4) Unit 5: APA Style – Research Paper 1. What are the differences between a professional paper and a student paper when it comes to the title page? (2) 2. Answer these quick APA formatting questions: a. List the preferred fonts (3) b. What are the margins for top, bottom, and sides? (1) c. When the title is placed on page 3 – the start of the paper – is the author’s name included? (1/2) Are the author’s credentials included with their name? (1/2) d. What is the institutional affiliation for a student taking a course at Mat-Su? How about at UAA? What if they are taking a distance course through Fairbanks? (3) 3. The References page found in the Final Exam materials folder, has some mistakes. Rewrite the references, correcting the mistakes, as a new References page. This page should be attached to the answer document you have been creating for this exa​‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍​m. You do NOT need to include a page number! (10)


Strategies for college success







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