Course name: CCT308 H5 Advanced research method
– please do not use any outside sources other than the course reading
– please briefly read the course readings (Module #3) before writing
– All the attached readings below are under the same topic of “Visual Research Methods” (Module #3)(8 readings for Module #3 in total)
– Since some questions are asking to use readings from the previous modules; and all the readings in Module #1 is under the topic of “Anti-Oppressive Research Methods”
– if you want to choose question 1 or 3, please check the link provided
– Thank you !!
Eight More readings for Module #3:
1. Ozcan (2013)
2. Pink (2007)
3. Mitchell
4. Casas-Williams-2019
5. Cox-et-al.-2014-Ethical
6. Dahya-King-2020
7. Faulkner-et-al.-2018
8. Mitchell-C
Six readings for Module #1:
(do not have to read all)
1. Dei (2005)
2. Gaundry (2015)
3. Linda (2014)
4. Thomas (2009)
5. Patterson et al. (2016)
6. Wilson (2001)
7. Smith (2012)
Please see attachment files to find these readings
– Long Answer Questions: With reference to the readings, answer any TWO of these questions in 400-500 words EACH:Note. ONLY ANSWER TWO OF THESE QUESTIONS in 400-500 words each
1. Tara Golstein (2000, qtd. in Mitchell 2011) defines “performed ethnography” as a framework for performance and drama to elicit social change through recognizing and challenging how power and authority construct points of views that come to be recognized as truth. With reference to readings from Module 3 and drawing on readings from Module 1, reflect on how the video ( subverts the white male gaze and produces counter-hegemonic knowledge through audiovisual methods.
2. In her introductory chapter to Doing Visual Research (2011) Claudia Mitchell reflects on how the ethics of doing visual research with human subjects may require the researcher to attempt to conceal the identity of their subjects by photographing feet or hands, or taking pictures of their subjects from behind. In “Lingerie, Bikinis, and the Headscarf,” Esra Özcan (2013) argues that the German media’s repeated depiction of Muslim women in headscarves as photographed from behind and their faces not shown actually robs these women of agency, allowing the German media to construct a stereotype of Muslim women as collectively voiceless and oppressed. With reference to readings from Module 3 and drawing on readings from Module 1, reflect on the research and representational ethics of these two cases.
3. Claudia Mitchell (2011) notes that absence can be seen as a recurring theme in some participatory photo projects: the visualization of the absence of peace, of social justice, of life, etc. In Module 2, Anette Markham (2012) argued that in certain cases, fabrication can be considered an ethical research practice because it allows the researcher to protect the privacy and anonymity of their subject by changing the details, but not the overarching content of data. Examine Ken Gonzales-Day’s Erased Lynchings ( photo series, and put it in conversation with Mitchell, Markham, and at least TWO other texts from any of your three modules to reflect on how his method of erasure is informed by ethical visual research practices.
The post Tara Golstein (2000, qtd. in Mitchell 2011) defines “performed ethnography” as a framework for performance and drama to elicit social change through recognizing and challenging how power and authority construct points of views that come to be recognized as truth. With reference to readings from Module 3 and drawing on readings from Module 1, reflect on how the video ( subverts the white male gaze and produces counter-hegemonic knowledge through audiovisual methods. appeared first on Apax Researchers.