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This assignment deadline is, July 25th, due to the short first week

This assignment deadline is, July 25th, due to the short first week of this quarter.

The summary paragraph is a brief assignment and can seem deceptively simple. Writing a summary takes focus to differentiate between main ideas and supporting details, the ability to stay completely objective and neutral, and great practice for assignments to come this quarter.

Be sure to read the lessons and check out the assignment’s rubric to ensure you include all required components. 

This assignment asks you to summarize a section other than the introductory section of Sponsors of Literacy  which you read in Week 1 .

Choose from one of these sections of the article:

“Sponsorship and Access” 169-173

“Sponsorship and the Rise in Literacy Standards” 173-178

“Sponsorship and Appropriation in Literacy Learning” 178-183

Review the following lessons for guidance with the assignment:

Summary Lesson

How to Cite a Summary, MLA (Links to an external site.)

Paragraph writing, OWL at Purdue (Links to an external site.)

(If these specific links for OWL don’t work for some reason, just search “summarizing” and “on paragraphs” in OWL at Purdue. (Links to an external site.)

Summary—a brief, neutral restatement of a text (see summary lesson). Think about the definition of each of these terms: brief, meaning much shorter than the original; neutral, meaning objective–containing none of your opinion, remaining wholly objective; restatement, meaning including only the ideas that appeared in the original.

The focus of a summary is on the material in a specific text, not your reactions to that material. While you have your own valid reactions (opinions) to the text, the summary is not the place to express them; those subjective ides may be established in the a future essay assignment.

This assignment addresses several course outcomes:

Student Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, each student should feel competent to do the following:

Compose work in a variety of genres…

Use rhetorically appropriate English language structures, including disciplinary conventions of syntax, grammar, punctuation, spelling voice, tone, and diction.

Quote, paraphrase, cite and document sources appropriately in a consistent documentation style to maintain academic honesty and intellectual integrity.

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