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WRIT 313 Dr. Dahan Essay I Rhetorical Analysis Assignment Read: Currie, E.

WRIT 313

Dr. Dahan

Essay I Rhetorical Analysis Assignment


Currie, E. (2017). Confronting the North’s South: On race and violence in the United States


1000-1200 words (4-5 pages)

Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font 12

APA reference page

Writing Center visit (in person or online)

DUE: Monday September 13 beginning of class (hard copy)

Goals: The goal of a rhetorical analysis is not only to analyze what a writer is arguing concerning a focused issue/topic, but to analyze how the writer and speaker is presenting the argument. You’ll do this by analyzing the use of rhetorical strategies. You will provide an objective analysis of the strengths and weaknesses in the speaker’s use of ethos, logos, and pathos within his or her argument. Before composing the essay, it will be helpful to identify the rhetorical strategies at work in the selected reading. Read the article with an eye on the rhetorical situation.



In three sentences, identify what the purpose is of the Currie’s article. What is the writer attempting to communicate to the audience, and what is he hoping to achieve through this communication?


Ethos deals primarily with credibility.

Examine the author’s reputation, authority, and/or expertise.

Should we put any stock in what he/she is saying? Why or why not?

The author’s credibility in addition to the argument being made will either improve or detract from the writer’s credibility.

Identify at least two elements that contribute to the ethos of the writer.


Logos is concerned with the logic of the speaker/writer’s argument. 

In considering the writer’s use of logos, you will analyze issues such as the quality and quantity of supporting evidence. 

You may also want to consider any bias that the author might have toward the subject and the effect of that bias upon the argument being presented. 

Is the author’s reasoning sound? How has he structured the arc of the presentation? Essentially, you want to address any weaknesses and/or strengths in the logic of the argument. 

Identify at least two pieces of evidence regarding the logos of this presentation.


Pathos deals with emotion.  

You should identify any attempts by the author to evoke a particular emotion from the audience. 

Additionally, consider whether appealing to emotion is an effective strategy for the argument being discussed.

Identify at least two examples of how the author is appealing to the audience’s emotions within the presentation.

Ultimately this essay is an analytical, academic assignment; therefore, your writing should reflect that. Your paper will be written in a sophisticated style, using correct grammar and spelling. You should identify evidence (i.e., quotations) and incorporate them into your essay, using APA. Be sure to make a clear, precise argument for the persuasive nature of the article as you analyze the rhetorical strategies employed in the piece that you are examining. Adapted from https://depaul.digication.com/forrest_wrd_103/Appeals

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