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Carl Rogers was one of the most eminent thinkers in psychology. I

Carl Rogers was one of the most eminent thinkers in psychology. I feel that Mr. Rogers would have provided patients and questions to this program first. You can never start a program without knowing the children’s background. Carl’s job, like all psychologists, is for them to help others with mental health to crime makers. Carl’s core conditions are empathy, congruence, and unconditional positive regard. Rogers believed that all people possess an inherent need to grow and achieve their potential. I can agree with him because I understand how things can be unfair to many people, even when they are not the blame for their situation. He believed self-actualization is achieved that primarily motives a child’s driving behavior. He believed that “for a person to “grow,” they need an environment that provides them with genuineness, acceptance, and empathy. Everyone should consistently achieve their goals no matter how their life may be going. The purpose of Roger’s humanistic therapy is to increase a person’s feelings of self-worth, reduce the level of incongruence between the ideal and actual self, and help a person become more of a fully functioning person. Carl is the man to help kids and adults not fear their issues getting in their way in life. 
I would set up my program as a safe place for the children. The last thing a kid needs is to worry about if their lives are in good hands. The program shows them they still have a chance no matter what. I would want the kids to see that being in a program is nothing to fear. Everyone, they will be surrounded by will be able to relate to each in somehow. My goal would be to make sure they know they are okay in my hands. An excellent example of a helpful program is the big brothers and sister program. The kids can meet new people and have role models in their life. They would have a set schedule every week for each day. This gives them a chance not to have to do the same thing, and they always would be able to choose to pick options for the week.

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