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PUBH410-Final Essay Due Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2021, 11:59pm through Safe Assign This

PUBH410-Final Essay

Due Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2021, 11:59pm through Safe Assign

This is a take-home final exam for PUBH410, and it is intended to illustrate how well you have understood and integrated the course material. All students are required to respond to Question 1. You may choose which of the next two questions you will address in your next essay, either option 2 or option 3. A rubric similar to the rubric used for Units 3 and 4 will be used to score your responses. (Students can check your own Safe Assign report before submitting a final iteration.)

Please submit your essays through Safe Assign no later than 11:59pm on Wednesday, Dec. 8th. Exceptions to the deadline will be considered only for extreme circumstances and must be pre-approved by Dr. Opacich and then only for legitimate reasons supported with documentation.

In PUBH410, we have utilized scientific literature, historical non-fiction, historical fiction, and narrative through audio-visual materials to illustrate historical and contemporary public health challenges. Describe what unique contributions each of these literary forms contributes to the understanding of historical and contemporary public health challenges. Reference as necessary. 2 pts. (maximum 250 words)

Choose one of the following two options that requires you to synthesize your understanding of the complexity of historical and contemporary public health challenges.

All of the readings might be said to contain cautionary tales and/or lessons applicable to public health. Select and succinctly state one such message conveyed in at least two of the four units that were included in this class, and clearly explain the relevance of that message to public health. What evidence in the present or recent past speaks to how well the lesson has been learned or not learned? Your answers will be judged upon statement of the lesson, inclusion of evidence, insight, coherence of your response, and adherence to the rules of grammar and composition. In your response, make a connection between your topic and one of the 8 course learner outcomes. Use short excerpts from the readings and any relevant additional sources, and reference as necessary. 13 pts. (maximum 1250 words)


Resourcefulness and advocacy are common themes in the three books that were read in this course (The History of Jane, The Grapes of Wrath, and The Pearl Diver). These qualities are essential to any population faced with a public health threat as they try to decrease its adverse effects, especially when faced with an imbalance of power. Select either one of these qualities and explain how it is illustrated in each of the three readings. Provide at least two to three examples per book. In a conclusion paragraph, explain why this is important to the practice of public health. How does your response illustrate one of the 8 course learner outcomes? Reference passages from each of the books read in the course for each example and cite page numbers and paragraph number in parentheses after any brief quotes. Reference any additional sources as necessary. 13 pts. (maximum 1250 words)

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