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6 Click or tap here to enter text. 1 Methodology Deborah TS8531


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TS8531 Network Security Advances


Many organizations have shifted their business model from maintaining on-site processing power and software and will have to transfer from local operation of servers and software to some version of cloud computing. As these services have become standard operating procedure cloud, computing security has become a critical issue for both the private and public sectors. Businesses, consumers, and government organizations at all levels must take adequate steps to assure the privacy and security of the data they transmit from users to the cloud and back. “Cloud computing security is the set of control-based technologies and policies designed to adhere to regulatory compliance rules and protect the information, data applications, and infrastructure associated with cloud computing use. The main appeal of cloud services is that it helps the organization reduce operational expense by spreading the cost of licensing, software and hardware resources across multiple users. Sharing these assets can open a route for malicious users to create covert channels to steal information from other cloud users. Cloud service providers can help mitigate these concerns by offering physically isolated resources.

The following research questions allow the research to identify the critical issues of the research and streamline the literature for review. Cloud Computing is being introduced in many organizations because many businesses need to store their data. Data in the cloud must be secure and provide complete confidentiality for all customers. Cloud providers should ensure security measures are in place to protect all data stored on their platform. Some of the significant problems with Cloud computing security are hacking and malware issues which could lead to data loss; however, cloud security has become a substantial part of information technology security. Cloud computing has been a hot topic considering the number of organizations using the cloud is increasing.

SQ 1. Are there still significant gaps that hackers and other criminals can exploit? We cannot eliminate all security threats; however, we can take steps to mitigate the impact of some of these security breaches.

SQ 2: In reference to mitigating strategies what should be the improvement to privacy and data security in cloud computing? What security considerations are in places, such as accessibility, integrity, and confidentiality, and how those considerations can be prioritized and addressed by organizations are identified.

Design and Methodology

The review of current literature on general issues in cloud computing security follows a consistent pattern that examines local computing strengths weaknesses to the advantages and risks of cloud computing. Cloud computing systems and services are examined, and the corresponding risk factors are analyzed and weighted. Finally, methodologies and a framework for organizations to implementing cloud-computing security in their individual organizations are presented. The qualitative research method is the collection of information using the e-Delphi method would involve panelist participating to collect information based on observation of human behavior. and open responses to the subsequent interpretation of meanings.Quantitative methods provide numerical values of by using survey, and conducting interviews with to receive answers and then justify statistical research using variables. Quantitative research can either be non-experimental and or experimental you can use this type of research to learn about a different groups of people which is called a sample pollution, by using scientific inquiry in quantitative research data can be measured on sample populations. Therefore, the quantitative method approach will help to identify the amount of references related to each other and demonstrated any areas of concerns suggest solutions. The goal would not be to to determine how many security threats and exploited all hackers, but to see what steps can be taken to reduce the likelihood of and mitigate the impact of security breaches.

Qualitative research is the process seeking to understand by using inquiries and understand h is a process of natural inquiry that seeks an in-depth understanding of social phenomena within their natural setting. It focuses on the why of a social phenomena and relies on direct experiences of human beings as meaning-making agents in their every day lives. Qualitative researchers use several different systems when making inquiries for the study of to include human phenomena, case study, historical analysis, ethnography, grounded theory, and phenomenology. Qualitative observers should be qualified to report clearly and be objective when reporting their observations.

Cloud computing provides substantial economic and business efficiency benefit, but there are some significant security concerns that must be addressed. One example is that there are two critical differences between running a virtual machine in an IT as a Service environment versus running programs, storing code and storing data on a local device. The first consideration is that there are the other organizations that are also running virtual machines on the same system.

Population Sampling

Researchers would take a subset of subjects that is representative of the entire population. that is sufficient size to conclude a final statistical analysis. The reason sampling is done this way is because it is next to impossible to test every single individual in the population and it also saves time, money and effort while conducting the research, although researchers should keep in in mind that the best scenario is to test all the individuals to obtain reliable, and accurate results.


A qualitative interview can have several different approaches to include expert interviews, formal iscussions, problem-focused interviews, and ethnographic interviews.

Summary. The contributions made by this research have then been presented; stating that the research has shown there is a direct correlation between homeworking and cloud computing; there is a growing demand in cloud computing in order to implement homeworking; and finally the research has identified that there is a lack of research and development regarding cloud computing in the homeworking environment. The limitations for this research have also been stated and finally the recommendations for future research have been provided


Guide to cloud security management and best practices. (n.d.). SearchCloudSecurity. https://searchcloudsecurity.techtarget.com/Guide-to-cloud-security-management-and-best-practices

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