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English Composition II
Media Analysis
10 November 2014
The Power of Art
Art is a unique medium in which a person may freely express his or her opinion without reprisal. The meaning of each piece of artwork may be ambiguous or heavily apparent. Theater specifically has long been a way in which an artist could comment on contemporary issues such as politics, justice, morals, and religion. In more modern times, movies have largely taken the place of theater. Movies can present powerful ideas to the public masses and even serve to inspire millions of people. The film V for Vendetta is a heavily symbolic film that chronicles the tale of a masked British vigilante. The film’s main character, only known as V, attempts to destroy the totalitarian government and all those complicit in the government’s actions, but only at great cost to him. The film V for Vendetta uses symbolism and allegories such as the “V” logo, Guy Fawkes mask, and an art collection to effectively expose a tale of the dangers of authoritarian government and inspire opposition to authoritarian governments.
The first and most apparent use of symbolism is the continual use of the “V” logo throughout the movie. The emblem is symbolic of the contemporary anarchist “A” logo and represents the character’s distaste for his government. Anarchy has become synonymous with lawlessness and disorder. However, as defined by Immanuel Kant, a famous philosopher, Anarchy is Law and freedom without power or force (qtd. in Sullivan 243). The theme in the movie parallels the idea that the British public desires law and freedom – without authoritarian force. The totalitarian government is the polar opposite of anarchy; the fascist state can achieve law and order only with brute force and at the complete expense of the people’s individual freedoms. The “V” logo becomes more than just a simple figure; it becomes the emblem of the fight against the totalitarian government and draws heavy similarities to the anarchist “A” logo in today’s society.
Furthermore, the character V lives in a secret location filled with a vast collection of art and religious works. The art is an allegory for the oppressed culture of the people of Britain. In the fictional fascist state, it is illegal to possess “unapproved” literary works of art. The legality of art and literature is symbolic of the oppression of the people and draws a strong parallel to the great book burnings that took place in Nazi Germany under the Third-Reich. The Nazi Party and its supporters gathered in May of 1933 to burn over 25,000 “Un-German” literary works (Elgot). The suppression of art is symbolic of the oppression of its people. First comes the suppression of art, and next comes the suppression of the people. Without art, a culture has no voice of its own. The restriction and oppression of art in film are heavily symbolic of the oppression of an entire culture and people in the movie. Without art, there is no personal choice or freedom for the people of Britain. The character V is not just a protector of art; he is also symbolically the protector of the people and their culture.
Lastly, the now infamous Guy Fawkes mask worn by the character V is heavily symbolic. The mask represents the will of the people and their political dissent. The character V is not just a representation of himself but of the people of Britain and their will. The mask becomes symbolically, and nearly literally, dawned by all who embrace his ideas. The mask is not an object – it is an idea. That is the true power of the mask; any man can be killed, but the idea can only be oppressed. However, the idea always exists. The main character reinforces this idea. He represents the idea of revolution and when V states, “Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask, there is an idea… and ideas are bulletproof” (V for Vendetta). The idea of revolution is a concept and concepts do not die with individuals, groups, or ideologies. Ideas live within whoever chooses to embrace them.
V for Vendetta is one of the most impactful and politically charged movies of the Twenty-First century. The film uses many symbolic political elements that are relatable to political dissidents all over the globe. Consequentially, the mask has become a worldwide symbol of political dissidence and has been seen at political rallies in Thailand, Germany, The Middle East, and the United States (Nickelsburg). The film successfully uses the symbolism of the mask, the “V” emblem, and art to comment on oppressive world governments past and present. The film proves just how provoking art can be in even in the modern world. The Guy Fawkes Mask has been dawned by many people all over the world for many different reasons, but they were all inspired by a single piece of art.
Works Cited
Elgot, Jessica. “Nazi Book Burnings Anniversary.” The Huffington Post UK. The Inc, 5 Oct. 2013. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.
Nickelsburg, Monica. “A Brief History of the Guy Fawkes Mask.” The Week. The Week Publications, Inc, 3 July 2013. Web. 10 Nov. 2014.
Sullivan, Roger J. Immanuel Kant’s Moral Theory. Cambridge England: Cambridge UP, 1989. Print.
V for Vendetta. Warner Home Video, 2006. DVD.
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