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Surname1 Surname7 Student’s Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: The Element Of Media



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The Element Of Media And Politics


Over the past years, the use of media to advertise or make a political party known has become a norm. Most political parties use the media to make their manifestos and aspirations known to the public as the media can reach a wider range than holding an actual campaign meeting. In the past, political divides using the media to demonstrate their radical views were rare. The members and leaders of the political divides would hold physical meetings with the party’s supporters. The element of holding physical meetings was not as effective as the use of media as not many individuals would attend the meetings. But the trend of the use of media has experienced an upsurge as most political parties use the media to persuade public members to vote for them. The guiding questions of the paper are, is the media effective in the element of politicizing? Would it be more effective to use the media rather than the traditional method of spreading political views? The paper’s audience is political leaders in the urge to spread their radical views. Opponents of media use could argue that media use in the urge of politicizing causes the spread of distorted information due to the government having to control the media houses.


The paper aims at discussing the use of media to politicize is the most effective technique as it riches a broader range in the spread of their radical views, regardless of the levels of restriction to enlighten the public on a particular issue, the reporters use other methods, and it enables the journalists to reflect the faults made by individuals at top-ranking political positions.

Wider Range Of Individuals

The use of media by political parties is most effective as it enables the parties to reach a broader range of individuals. In the modern world, every house can afford a television set; hence the notion makes the idea of politicizing through the media the most effective way. Gone are the days that media houses were only intended only to play the role of providing individuals with news stories. In the contemporary world, the newsroom is able to host political party leaders who display their views to the members of the public. It has been acknowledged that the use of media in the element of politicizing radical ideas has brought out the aspect of the development of democracy (Zuniga and Chen 366). After the political leaders that are hosted in the newsroom have demonstrated their manifestos and aspirations, the use of media is able to reach millions of viewers in the nation. If the politicians used the traditional method of holding political meetings without the use of media, fewer people would be able to get what the politicians intend to make the public members learn. However, with the help of media, a larger group of individuals will be reached, making their process of persuasion more substantial than in the use of traditional methods.

Additionally, in the case that the politicians hold a political meeting and the meeting is documented in the news and in television channels. The objective of reaching a more comprehensive range is achieved. As earlier analyzed, the physical meetings are not able to get many individuals as few people are known to have a passion for radical meetings. In the case that the media records the sessions, they are able to document it in their media channels hence making it possible for the element of reaching more individuals. Most media companies do not refuse the initiative of reporting on political issues as it becomes a business opportunity for them, and they are able to advance financially (Iosifidis and Papathanassopoulos 5). The recording of these meetings is essential in the essence that it makes it possible for individuals in other states to get a chance to learn about the views and positions of aspiring politicians. Were it not for these media companies, and then the politicians would not be able to reach a broader range of individuals.

Media Always Comes Up With A Way Of Passing On Information

As a result, there develops the need for the media to come up with alternative methods of passing on information. It is the responsibility of politicians to come up with policies that the public members are meant to follow to the latter. On the occasion that there is a restriction in publicizing on a particular piece of news, the media houses are wise enough to devise other ways by which they can use in the impulse of making the piece of news public. In most cases, controversial issues are not expected to be made public as they could cause detrimental effects to the belief and following of political parties. In such cases, the media is barred from making such type of news public. In most cases, the local officials feel that they are guilty of the controversial issues, and they think that by the media making the news public, they will be highly criticized (Gardner 55). The media always finds a way to make the restricted news public as it makes use of other means like posting the news on social media platforms. In other words, the information always gets a way of getting to the public. The urge for the local officials to hide the piece of news is not always effective as the media always devises ways by which the public gets access to the reality of the matter no matter the efforts of the corrupt officials in the urge to hide the news. Therefore, no matter the number of restrictions, the media always find a way of portraying the truth of the issue.

Faults Of Top-Ranking Politicians Are Made Public

As a keen analysis, the evolution of media has made it possible to acknowledge the faults of top government officials. Without the help of media, certain corrupt top-ranking government officials would get away with their actions. However, it takes the efforts of the press and other politicians to unearth the illegal and evil deeds of these officials. Individuals in the modern world give in to their selfishness and feel the need to get involved in unlawful deals that go against the ethics and morals of the nations. Such individuals are supposed to be displayed to the eyes of society, and the media plays the role of acknowledging the public of such corrupt top-ranking government officials. There is no clear rule on the type of news that the journalists could cover (Gardner 55). The element of non-existing regulations on the specific kind of news to be documented gives the journalists the advantage of displaying the corrupt government officials. Thus, the media makes it possible for public members to learn of the irregularities of government officials.

On the other hand, the opposition on the element that media is influential in politics feels that most governments have control over media companies; hence, it could be possible for the media houses to spread distorted information. It is a vital aspect that the media spreads credible news as they are the voice of public members. In the element that they spread fake news, the public will have a distorted view of the matter. In most cases, the governments control the actions of the journalists, and they restrict the amount of news that the journalist could document for their viewers. Many times, journalists have been forced to leave their professions as they feel that they are not eligible to display authentic news on certain aspects without getting into trouble (Gardner 57). The journalists who leave their profession are most often threatened concerning the news they cover, and their need for the security of their lives and those of their loved ones make them quit what they love to do best, that is, reporting. The element of leaving their profession in the call of wanting to give the members of credible public news creates the notion that they are restricted on the amount of communication they could document. The opposing side argues that the restriction could claim that the same governments could manipulate the news companies to give fake news to the public. They feel that the modern world does not provide a chance to display credible information on matters pertaining to politics. Thus, the opposition questions the credibility of the news that the new houses give to the public members.

However, there is the notion of freedom of speech in the contemporary world, where the journalists are eligible to give the news to the public members without the element of control from any form of the body. It is not the influence of the government that leads to the spread of fake news but the lack of morals and ethics in the hand of the journalists. If the journalist sticks to their ethical values and code of ethics, it would be less unlikely for them to get manipulated into giving distorted information to the public members. Professionalism creates an atmosphere where the journalists would rather quit their jobs that go against their codes of ethics. In the contemporary world, there is knowledge on how individuals could depict if the news is fake or credible (Zuniga and Chen 367). Bodies have come up with ways to enlighten individuals on how to analyze if the information they get from the media houses is fake or credible. Thus, it could be hard to trick individuals into believing in fake news as there are available ways to depict the authenticity of the information they get from the media.


The use of media has made the move of politicians to make their views known to the public more quickly and conveniently. Opposers of the notion of making the process more convenient argue that the news companies are often manipulated by the government, creating a question of the credibility of the information they give. However, the use of media to politicize is the most effective technique. It riches a broader range in the spread of their radical views. The media reaches more individuals than the element of using physical meetings to display their opinions and ideas to the public members. Also, regardless of the levels of restriction to enlighten the public on a particular issue. Most of the information that these media houses reports are issues that could put their security at risk. Thus, in the urge to make the news public, they imply using social media and friends to post specific issues that they feel should be made public. It enables the journalists to reflect on the faults caused by individuals at top-ranking political positions. To make the public members know of the corrupt government officials, they make reports or documentaries on such issues. Thus, the use of media makes it possible for the general members to know of the corrupt members of the public as well as government officials. Individuals who think that the media has got no effect on politics are wrong as it goes a long way in ensuring that the political views and stance of radical groups are able to reach a broader range of individuals.

Call For Action

The best way to enlighten individuals on certain policy positions is through the use of media. The most appropriate way to get the best story out is also through the media. Therefore, political divides should embrace the use of media to place their manifestos and enlighten the public members on the policies that are bound to affect them. With the wide use of media, politicians reach a wider range of individuals. By embracing media use, it is evident that more induvial will get to learn of policies that affect them and individuals in high-ranking positions that abuse their authoritative positions. Also, the manner by which the media can always find their way to portray irregularities in the system of governance indicates it is the most effective method of passing on information that the politicians could use. Thus, the need to embrace and acknowledge media as a vital element of politics.

Work Cited

Gardner, P. (2018). Media Politics in China: Improvising Power under Authoritarianism by Maria Repnikova. Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture, 13(1), 2017, 54–59, DOI: https://doi.org/10.16997/wpcc.279

Iosifidis, P., & Papathanassopoulos, S., Media, Politics And State Broadcasting In Greece. European Journal of Communication, 2019, doi: 10.1177/0267323119844414

Zúñiga, H., & Chen, H., Digital Media, and Politics: Effects of the Great Information and Communication Divides. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 2019, 63:3, 365-373, DOI: 10.1080/08838151.2019.1662019

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