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Critical Analysis Portfolio and Presentation Proposal Milestone One: Critical Analysis Portfolio and

Critical Analysis Portfolio and Presentation Proposal

Milestone One: Critical Analysis Portfolio and Presentation Proposal

Murium Prescott

Southern New Hampshire University

July 26, 2021

In the past few decades workplace diversity has been faced with several challenges within the workplace as it relates to women. Women in the workplace, of different cultural and ethinic backgrounds have been faced with overwhelming obstacles and challenges. By having a diverse workforce, companies have access to a broader range of talent, a better understanding of client/customer base, and creates a more effective, successful, and more profitable company (Meir, S. 2018, August 22). These obstacles are more evident as women advance into upper managerial roles within their workplace. It’s for these reasons I’ve chosen to write about women’s inequalities in the workplace. This topic is near and dear to my heart because I’ve personally encountered these obstacles. In today’s workplace, women and minorities make up a much larger number than 40 years ago, especially with people working until their late 60s or 70s (Browne, C., n.d.). The topic of workplace diversity and how it has impacted the workplace has been evaluated and examined through several different lense, thus the issue of diversity can be defined through the following lens; history, social science, natural science and humanities.

Connection to the lens of History

The equalities that women have faced in the workplace is most evident when examining the issue of “wage gap”. Unfortunately women are generally paid less wages when compared to their male counterparts. It’s noted that women are impacted by a gap in pay due to the following issues regarding part-time workers, lack of education and occupational segregation that’s seen mostly in the more labor intensive fields. “Labor women were at the center of the debate over women’s job rights in the 1940s and 1950s” (Cobble DS, 2004). Thus the Women Rights movement has been working diligently over the past few decades to close that gap along with women having equal rights to vote and to have their opinions heard.

Connection to the lens of the Humanities

Humanities is defined as the study of distinctively human actions that are relevant to society’s current time. The rights of women in the workplace have faced numerous challenges that ultimately lead to the women’s right movement. The Women’s Rights Movement during 1848–1917, the fight for women’s suffrage in the United States began with the women’s rights movement in the mid-nineteenth century, which encompassed a broad spectrum of goals before its leaders decided to focus first on securing the vote for women (Looking at “Humanities” from a Partnership Perspective 2015, November 24). It’s through these efforts women have been recognized for their contribution to workplace diversity along with closing the “wage gap”.

Connection to the lens of the Natural Sciences

“Diversity is important for scientific purposes because it provides the opportunity of people from a variety of genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, perspectives, backgrounds, areas of expertise, religions, cultures, and other variables to participate in science is important for addressing inequities and increasing the size of the scientifically trained workforce” (Redmond, K., 2015). A large part of natural science must include effective and efficient problem solving skills, and it’s for this purpose having a diverse workplace fosters creative thinking and innovative ideas. It’s by having a diverse workplace that includes a diverse set of women that companies not only seek new creative ideas but they also strengthen workplace dynamics and culture.

Connection to the lens of the Social Sciences

By looking through the social lens we can observe the importance of having a diverse representation of women in the workplace. Over the past decade women’s rights has been focused on equal rights, closing the wage gap and job equality in the workplace. Workplace discrimination affects everyone regardless of race, gender, religion or cultural background. As women continue to make impactful strides to educate themselves, address workplace stereotypes that we can begin to understand and evaluate the impact it has within the workplace through the social lens.

Reference Page

Browne, C. (2017, November 21). How Has Workplace Diversity Changed Since the 1970s? Work. https://work.chron.com/workplace-diversity-changed-1970s-25995.html.

Cobble DS. The Other Women’s Movement : Workplace Justice and Social Rights in Modern America. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press; 2004. https://search-ebscohostcom.ezproxy.snhu.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=386075&site=edslive&scope=site.

Looking at “Humanities” from a Partnership Perspective. (2015, November 24). Retrieved from https://centerforpartnership.org/looking-at-humanities-from-a-partnership-perspective/

Meir, S. (2018, August 22). Why workplace diversity is so important, and why it’s so hard to achieve. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rsmdiscovery/2018/08/22/why-workplacediversity-is-so-important-and-why-its-so-hard-to-achieve/?sh=11ed465d3096.

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