Discuss how you can use trade books, including picture books, to teach a theme in any content area. Consider the thematic project you did.

LIBM 4023 Final

Please write well-developed paragraph(s) for each item. Cite your textbook as appropriate. You are welcome to use any resource except other people, including classmates. Spelling, punctuation, usage, and paragraph structure are important. Note how each response is weighted and respond accordingly.

1.30 points

Discuss three important concepts you learned in this class and how your understanding of those concepts will help you to become an effective classroom teacher.


2.20 points

Respond to either A or B:

A.Discuss how you can use trade books, including picture books, to teach a theme in any content area. Consider the thematic project you did.

B.Discuss the importance of being aware of authors of children’s and young adult books; also explain the relevance of using quality literature and making it available for students.


3.20 points

Explain the traits of the two kinds of non-fiction books (biography and information) that you read about. You should refer to the textbook AND books that you have read in class or outside of class to demonstrate these traits. Conclude with an explanation of why these books are important and how you will engage your future students.


4.20 points

Compare and contrast two genres of fiction that you learned about. Consider the books that you read for literature circles and the literature focus unit as well as books that you’ve read for pleasure. Use examples from one book for each genre to demonstrate how you identified it as the specific genre. Remember to punctuate book titles appropriately.


5.10 points

Assess what you have learned in this class and how it applies to you as a future teacher and then discuss what, if anything, you would like to have learned more about.


Your responses will be evaluated on the following criteria:

70%     Content of response

10%     Reference to text book and books you have read (not required in #5)

10%     Connections to personal experiences

10%     Formal conventions of written language (topic sentences, spelling, capitalization, grammar, paragraph structure, in-text citations, etc.). Reference page is not required. Chapter book titles are italicized, while titles of short books have “quotation marks.”

I’m looking forward to reading your responses!









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