TOK Essay Outline Graphic Organizer Instructions to candidates Your theory of knowledge

TOK Essay Outline Graphic Organizer

Instructions to candidates

Your theory of knowledge essay must be written on one of the six essay titles (questions) provided overleaf. These essay titles take the form of knowledge questions that are focused on the areas of knowledge. You may choose any of the titles but are recommended to make your choice in consultation with your teacher.

Your essay will be marked according to the assessment instrument published in the theory of knowledge guide. Examiners will be looking to see that you have provided a clear, coherent and critical exploration of your chosen title.

Examiners will mark your essay against the title as set. It is very important that you respond to the title exactly as given and do not alter the title in any way. Please note that any quotations that appear in the titles are not necessarily authentic. They will present a real point of view but may not be direct quotations.

Your theory of knowledge essay must be submitted to your teacher for authentication. Any external sources used must be acknowledged and should be cited according to a recognized convention.

Your theory of knowledge essay should be written in standard size 12 font and be double spaced. It must be a maximum of 1600 words

Level 5 (10-9 points) mark band features – Be sure to use the requirements below in crafting your essay. This is what the examiners are looking for in your essay!

The discussion has a sustained focus on the title and is linked effectively to areas of knowledge.

Arguments are clear, coherent and effectively supported by specific examples. The implications of arguments are considered.

There is clear awareness and evaluation of different points of view.

Prescribed Title Choice – It is very important to answer the title as written, include your full title choice below




Thesis Statement: This is your main response to the title. It should be one sentence that is a clear response to the title.

What AOKs are you asked to explore or wish to explore in responding to the title. Some titles will require you to explore specific areas of knowledge and other will give you a choice. Be sure you know what titles you are required to explore. You will need to clearly introduce the link between the titles and the AOK in the introduction

Areas of knowledge

Links to the Title



Hook– How will introduce your audience to your arguments. What quotes, real life situations and/or personal perspectives can you include to illustrate the links between the title, thesis and AOKs. How will you set up the arguments you will make in the body section in your introductions? This should connect your arguments to your thesis.

Body Section

Arguments 1 – Each of your arguments should connect back to your thesis and the title. Include the bullet points below to show the outline of your argument. Your sections can be organized in several ways. Common ways to organize TOK essays is to focus each section on one of the AOKs or on themes were the two AOKs are compared.

Main Point/Topic Sentience: what is the topic or main point of your argument

Claim/Main Perspective: expand on the your topic, what are the key points of your analysis for this argument

Supporting Evidence for claim: What specific real life examples and key evidence will you use to support your analysis?

Counter Claim/Evaluation of Different Perspective: how will you evaluate different perspective for this argument

Supporting Evidence for counterclaim: What specific real life examples or key evidence supports the counter claim

Implications of argument: What does the answer to your argument mean for the title? How does this argument connect to your thesis Think of this as a Mini Conclusion

Arguments 2– Each of your arguments should connect back to your thesis and the title. Include the bullet points below to show the outline of your argument. Your sections can be organized in several ways. Common ways to organize TOK essays is to focus each section on one of the AOKs or on themes were the two AOKs are compared.

Main Point/Topic Sentience: what is the topic or main point of your argument

Claim/Main Perspective: expand on the your topic, what are the key points of your analysis for this argument

Supporting Evidence for claim: What specific real life examples and key evidence will you use to support your analysis?

Counter Claim/Evaluation of Different Perspective: how will you evaluate different perspective for this argument

Supporting Evidence for counterclaim: What specific real life examples or key evidence supports the counter claim

Implications of argument: What does the answer to your argument mean for the title? How does this argument connect to your thesis Think of this as a Mini Conclusion

Include more arguments in the body section if you need to, but you will likely not have enough space for more they three without a good reason.


Restate your Thesis

How did you answer your thesis?

What are the implications of your arguments for the title? What other areas does your answer lead you to explore

Works Cited: Be sure to include a works cited for all the outside sources you use in your essay in MLA format. Be sure to cite your works in the text and include the full citation at the end in the works cited.

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