1st discussion Reflecting on this course makes me want to reflect on

1st discussion

Reflecting on this course makes me want to reflect on my entire journey leading to the final Capstone project. It has been a wonderful journey with many things learned, topics discussed and literature reviewed. However, this course in particular has given me great confidence moving into the final Capstone. I really appreciate the start my previous course gave me with developing my topic and narrowing my focus on the research. This course took it to the next level. I appreciate how the course was broken into chunks and allowed you to focus on your research study a piece at a time. It was done in a way to not be overwhelming but look at the “why” of the research and the best way of “how” to go about completing the research with fidelity.

The only concern I have with moving forward with my research is the surveys and interviews. While putting these questions together, and thinking about the outcomes I anticipate, I can’t help but hear the voices of teachers everywhere with the cry of being overwhelmed and “having one more thing to do.” This made me want to focus on even more specific and well-focused questions so I can get the information I need without taking more time than needed to do so. It also pushed me to look at time-effective ways to collect the data.

The strength of my research comes in being a former English teacher and knowing the importance of my topic and having passion behind wanting to find a solution. As a researcher this is key and the Bible states in Proverbs 24:5 “a wise man is full of strength, and a man of knowledge enhances his might” (Zondevan, 2006). We continue to enhance our might as we continue to build our knowledge and solve problems for the greater good.

The weak area of concern will be analyzing the data effectively. I have already addressed this by consulting with former doctoral students and seeking their help in the best way to analyze the data to ensure accurate results. I am also confident in Liberty’s professors and their ability to assist as I move through this process.  I am looking forward to finishing this journey and this class has truly been a confidence booster and for that I am grateful.

Claxton, B. and Michael, K. (2020). Conducting applied research in education. Kendall Hunt.

Zondervan. (2006). Student Bible: New International Version.

2nd discussion

Scholarly Reflection

Prior to the start of this course, I took the time to read through the syllabus to mentally prepare myself for what was to come. I had two rather immediate first impressions. First, I felt a sense of relief that the first set of assignments involved building upon portions of previous coursework. However, the weight of each prospectus assignment was intimidating. I felt as though I were standing at the bottom of a small mountain that seemed formidable to climb. Despite the apprehension associated with the prospectus, the predominant sentiment was hope – that I would acquire competencies and enhance confidence on my journey to becoming a competent leader. 

Growth as a Scholar

After my initial sense of apprehension passed, I began to work through the prospectus assignments. I appreciated the scaffolded nature of this coursework as each portion of the prospectus built upon the previous week’s work. This alleviated the pressure that often accompanies lengthier written assignments. I found writing the interview and survey questions to be most challenging. Although the Claxton and Michael (2020) textbook provided a comprehensive template, sample questions, and a rationale for each question, I wanted to tailor the interview questions to my school’s needs. Although I composed interview questions that were grounded in the literature, there were still many weaknesses in the wording of my questions. The feedback I received was invaluable as it empowered me to consider word choices, remain objective, and revise assignments to produce stronger alignment with my central research question. With these tools, I feel more prepared to successfully complete my capstone project.


There is one worksite-related concern regarding completion of the capstone project. I may be moving from this location soon. If I do move as anticipated, gaining approval to conduct research at the site, conducting interviews with participants, and presenting my findings will prove more challenging. To address these concerns, I will speak with my current site supervisor to determine whether I can use this site for research if I am no longer working there. If my supervisor responds affirmatively, I will work with him to devise a plan that will allow me to meet with consenting participants and present the findings. I may also need to revise portions of my prospectus to reflect new interview procedures.

Strengths and Weaknesses

One of my primary strengths is my relentless unwillingness to accept defeat. I have faced personal trials on the road to attaining my doctorate, particularly illness-related struggles. Despite these obstacles, there is a dogged determination to persist and achieve the long-awaited reward of holding the esteemed title of “doctor”. However, this resolve is accompanied by the need for perfectionism, which does not exist outside of Jesus Christ. I admit willingly that this is one of weaknesses. Another is my proclivity towards solitary activities. I am very quiet and introverted by nature, and it is sometimes difficult for me to collaborate with others. I recognize these weaknesses, and in times past I would have sought to overcome them with my own strength. Now, I “boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest upon me” (New International Version, 1973/2011, 2 Corinthians 12:9). I must choose to place myself in intentionally uncomfortable situations that require me to release the idea of a perfect outcome while simultaneously leaning on others for community. Through these things, His strength will empower me to be what I cannot on my own.   


Claxton, B. L. & Michael, K. Y. (2020). Conducting applied research in education. Kendall Hunt.

New International Version. (2011). Bible Gateway. https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/New-International-Version-NIV-Bible/ (Original work published 1973)

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