2 1 Assignment [Include your name here] Keiser University RSM600G3-2 Quantitative Research




[Include your name here]

Keiser University

RSM600G3-2 Quantitative Research

Dr. Steven Whitaker

[Assignment due date]

PART I (Transform->Compute Variable)

Using a descriptive analysis, the following information was found with STATES10 data (Keiser University, 2021b). The mean of the variable MURDPCT was [answer here]. [state name here] had the highest percentage of violent crimes that are murders at [answer here] of violent crimes that are murders and [state name here] had the lowest percentage of violent crimes that are murders at a mean of [answer here] of violent crimes that are murders.

Part II (Transform->Recode into Different Variables)

As shown in Figure 1, the percentage of respondents who did not finish high school is [answer here]. Next, the respondents who earned a high school or junior college degree was [answer here]. Finally, the percentage of respondents who earned a bachelors or graduate degree was [answer here]. All data was collected from the GSSS08 data (Keiser University, 2021a).

Figure 1

Sample Bar Count of Highest Degree Earned 3 Categories


Keiser University. (2021a). GSS08. [Data file]. Retrieved from https://keisergrad.blackboard.com

Keiser University. (2021b). STATES10. [Data file]. Retrieved from https://keisergrad.blackboard.com

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