2 Ethical Dilemma in the Workplace 1 Ethical Dilemma in the Workplace


Ethical Dilemma in the Workplace


Ethical Dilemma in the Workplace

Ethical Dilemma in the Workplace

Lisa Petrey

Rasmussen University

HUS2979: Human Services Associate Capstone

Clifford Marsh

November 28, 2021

Within the workplace, Ethical dilemmas are difficult situations requiring strong choices and decisions to be made from multiple options. The options, however, do not solve the issues in a manner corresponding to the ethical guidelines. Alternatively, the ethical dilemma may be a conflict within alternatives in which whatever is done might not deter the ethical principles from being compromised. Below are examples of ethical dilemmas, their potential long- and short-term effects, and the ethical dilemmas’ solution.

Dilemma #1: While working at Rasmussen Help Center, LLC, a client makes sexual advances towards you, and you begin to feel uncomfortable.

Sexual ethical dilemma in an organization between worker a client may be due to an attraction within the opposite sides, and in most cases, it leads to harassment. The short-term effect of the harassment may translate into a reduction of my confidence and self-esteem. The long-term effect of this kind of situation may be loss of job, reduced job satisfaction and reduced morale in the workplace (Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights, 2019). For the harasser, it may lead to termination and their organizational involvement. Due to the severity of the effects of the situation, it is mandatory to find a solution in case of such occurrences.


Reporting the case to the managers in authority. The reporting will ensure that certain actions are taken against the harassers and prevent future occurrences of such instances due to the imposition of penalties or the individuals found with such acts (Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights, 2019). For my case, I would report the client that harassed me to my managers for responsive actions to be taken.

Developing an anti-harassment policy as a long-term solution to prevent future occurrences. The policy should be in line with the respective penalty. The policies should then be pinned at the entrance such that all the coming clients have a glance (Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights, 2019). This will prove effective and prevent later occurrences like the one I experienced.

Dilemma #3: While working at Rasmussen Help Center, LLC, you observe a client exchanging money from his hand to another Human Services Professional.

In an organizational setup, money exchange between clients and organizational professionals is an insinuation of corruption. This mainly occurs when the client prefers others or does not want to follow the organizational protocols to find something. The money that the clients provide in exchange for the unmentioned services is referred to as bribes.

Distortion of an organizational image is one of the short-term effects of corruption. The distortion of the organizational image may result in a change of customers’ perspective of the organization that, in the long run, may flee away from the customers (Michael, 2018). The reduction of the organizational investments with an increased retrogressive tax is one of the long-term effects of corruption. The reduction of the investments is because the set target for a given investment may not be achieved. After all, some provide the services without proper accountability.


An immediate report of the act to the manager. This makes it easier for the appropriate actions towards the corrupt individuals rather than procrastination (Michael, 2018). In my case, I would immediately report the act to my department manager to ensure that appropriate action was taken for the corrupt individuals.

Review of the company policies and annexation of laws as long-term management of the act. The company should have policies and enacted laws with penalties for any individual that may be discovered to e corrupt. This will ensure that no other members of the organization will be corrupt and reduce further instances of corruption (Michael, 2018). This step is critical in reducing the retrogressive costs of the organizations.

Dilemma #5: While working at Rasmussen Help Center, LLC, you walk into a colleague’s office while the colleague is down the hall making copies. A new client is seated next to your colleague’s desk and computer, and another client’s confidential information is visible on the screen.

A client seeing the confidential information of another is considered to e violating the client’s privacy policies. One short-term effect of the violation of violation policy is loss of job for the acting office colleague. The long-term effect of violation of the policy is the loss of reputation of the individuals whose confidential information has been displayed and shared (David, 2018). Additionally, the display of confidential information may lead to the loss of personal information.


Not leaving any confidential information or document lying around. The information displayed in documents should not be left when not in use (David, 2018). For this case, the colleague should have his computer shut and only open it when actively engaging with a client, which will not display information about other clients.

Anonymizing or confidential information. Anonymizing confidential information is key in hiding the identity of the confidential information. In this way, even if the information gets out mistakenly, no one can detect the owner whose information has been spilled (David, 2018). For the above case, had the colleague anonymized the information, it would have created no problems since it cannot be directed to a specific person.

Dilemma #7: While working at Rasmussen Help Center, LLC, you notice another Human Services Professional partaking in inappropriate gossip with another co-worker and a client.

In an organizational workplace, gossip is mainly caused by jealousy. The jealousy may be due to inequities. For instance, it may be because an individual is greater or more successful than you. The short-term effect of gossip in an organizational setting is hatred among the members within the working place (Schwantes, 2017). The long-term effect in the workplace is the erosion of trust and morale among the workers in the organization.


Setting examples. The Human Service Professional should set an example as a leader. By so doing, the subordinates will actively follow, reducing the conflict in the workplace (Schwantes, 2017). For this case, the professional out to have raised standards, which would be critical in preventing the evil act.

Enaction of policies to curb workplace policy as the long-term remedy. For most companies, protection of the member’s information is done through the policies. The policies are so harsh and accompanied by penalties (Schwantes, 2017). In this way, even if the manager involves gossip or discloses confidential information about the subordinates, he becomes the subject o the law.


David. (2018). 10 Tips for Protecting Data in the Workplace. CMSWire.com. Retrieved from https://www.cmswire.com/digital-workplace/10-tips-for-protecting-data-in-the-enterprise-workplace/

Michael. (2018). The Impact of Organizational Learning on Organizational Corruption and the Deviant Workplace Behavior: The Case Study of Public Sector Organizations in Pakistan – ProQuest. Www.proquest.com. Retrieved from https://www.proquest.com/openview/13e198a82ee462c9bc9139e85c4227d2/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=2050138

Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights. (2019). Sexual Harassment – Prevention of Sexual Harassment. Umn.edu. Retrieved from http://hrlibrary.umn.edu/svaw/harassment/explore/5prevention.htm

Schwantes, M. (2017, January 25). 9 Ways to Get Rid of Workplace Gossip Immediately. Inc.com; Inc. Retrieved from https://www.inc.com/marcel-schwantes/if-you-do-these-things-you-qualify-as-a-gossiper-which-research-says-can-ruin-yo.html

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