4 Environmental equality related to Air Pollution as a Public Health Issue


Environmental equality related to Air Pollution as a Public Health Issue

Would Approaching Environmental equality related to Air Pollution as a Public Health Issue Decrease Rates of Pulmonary Disease for Americans?

From a Future Nurse’s Perspective

August 23, 2021

Macarena M. Iriarte

West Coast University

Topic Description

Environmental equality related to air pollution refers to a fair distribution of results, including opportunities and burdens associated with air quality. Air pollution is a significant form of pollution that negatively affects the environment (Duan et al., 2020). It occurs when pollutants that are harmful to people’s health are released into the environment. Air pollution creates a significant environmental injustice because it creates an environmental burden in society. This increases the negative impacts related to increased environmental pollution to the people and the entire society.

Problem Statement

Pulmonary disease is a significant public health issue because it affects a large number of Americans. Air pollution is a significant factor leading to the high pulmonary disease cases in America (Kurt et al., 2016). Addressing the issue of air pollution will enhance environmental equality, which will decrease pulmonary disease among Americans. Americans are disadvantaged in this injustice because of the high rate of air pollution from industrial activities, leading to environmental pollution (Kurt et al., 2016). Furthermore, wildfires produce plumes of smoke that can cause serious health risk in Americans (Cascio, 2018). As a result, it increases the number of people affected by this public health issue. The following section shows that pulmonary disease is a significant public health issue.

Purpose of Topic

Public health is defined as the branch of medicine that focuses on people’s health, including epidemiology, hygiene, and disease prevention. Public health aims at protecting and promoting the health of the people and the environment where they live, work and learn (Canadian Public Health Association, 2020). Approaching a public health issue is important because it facilitates the identification of health challenges affecting the people. It helps in assessing the diseases that present a significant health challenge to many people. The other advantage is that it allows the formulation and adoption of the most relevant interventions to improve health standards. For instance, the purpose of this paper is to present evidence that approaching Environmental equality related to Air Pollution from a public health perspective would decrease Pulmonary Disease for Americans.


Canadian Public Health Association. (2020). CPHA Working Paper: Public health–a conceptual

Framework. Ottawa: CPHA.


Cascio W. E. (2018). Wildland fire smoke and human health. The Science of the total environment, 624, 586–595. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.086

Duan et al. (2020). Air pollution and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic diseases

And translational medicine.


Kurt et al. (2016). Pulmonary health effects of air pollution. Current opinion in pulmonary

Medicine, 22(2), 138.


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